Rombout Versluijs

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  1. 5 votes
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    Rombout Versluijs commented  · 

    The issue is, thje build in function seems to relink, but it doesnt look at what method was used when there where place. When we original place a PSD and show import options. We can choose by "Keep layer visibility" or "Photoshop last document state". The latter being the default i believe. Here lies the issue!

    This causes for big issues when working cross platform or when links get broken.

    Rombout Versluijs supported this idea  · 
  2. 37 votes
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    Rombout Versluijs commented  · 

    If you save your gradiënt, there are global. It gets even more powerful if you build the gradient with global swatches. You can change Evy gradiënt in a document by replacing the global swatch color. Has been in illustrator for a long time already

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    Rombout Versluijs commented  · 

    Here's a better preview

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    Rombout Versluijs commented  · 

    This trick actually does work on gradients as well. You do need to make sure you set your gradient up with global spot color. See attached, i hereby drag on color on a color i used as a stop.

    It does update the gradient without the need to select everything, edit its color, save a new gradient and then apply it.

    Much faster!!! Still learning stuff after 20 years hahaha

    Rombout Versluijs supported this idea  · 
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    Rombout Versluijs commented  · 

    Alt + drag changes that gradient and basically makes a new one. This will only update globally if you select the gradient, then choose "select same fill". Check if everything is correctly selected, then do the update on that gradient and save a new one. Delete the old one.

    As far as i know and everything i tried. You can edit a saved gradient. You can edit the colors, but its basically a new gradient which is not saved yet.

    Its kind of weird that working with gradients is still very messy and not convenient

  3. 2 votes
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    Rombout Versluijs commented  · 

    Ive actually have not seen this until today. Not sure what has happened. Feels like it happens when i have sub-layers

    I've found the issue actually. When you apply any appearance to a selected layer in the layer-panel. Then i highlights when its being locked. Otherwise it doesnt show and nothing highlights

    Rombout Versluijs supported this idea  · 
  4. 4 votes
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    Rombout Versluijs supported this idea  · 
  5. 57 votes
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    Rombout Versluijs supported this idea  · 
  6. 56 votes
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    Rombout Versluijs commented  · 

    @Hunter Cressall
    you can enter a HEX code in the properties panel. See the small menu icon top right. Im on a old illusatror because i cant update higher with this system

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    Rombout Versluijs commented  · 

    @Hunter Cressall

    thats true, but this is not about the properties panel. Its about swatches and how they work

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    Rombout Versluijs commented  · 

    This is really a custom workflow. Illustrator saves swatches as RGB, CMYK, GREY or SPOT.
    You can easily make a script which return the HEX code for you from a selected swatch

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    Rombout Versluijs commented  · 

    @Morgan Eakins
    You can, you can paste a HEX value in the color input.

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    Rombout Versluijs commented  · 

    Perhaps im consued, but we already see this? in both the dialog of the color pciker as in the color panel?

  7. 12 votes
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    Rombout Versluijs supported this idea  · 
  8. 2 votes
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    Rombout Versluijs supported this idea  · 
  9. 25 votes
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    Rombout Versluijs commented  · 

    Im seeing same issue on Windows 2020. I have a group made of outlined text items and a circle. When i make a new group of the selection, it shows the height and width of that text and not the circle?

    Notice how the height is the same in both selections, thats clearly a bug

    Its must be something in this circle shape, when i recreate the circle and do the same it does work properly. The circle by itself acts like normal, no weird behavior. Its still a live shape and i can edit without issues. Only when i select a group together with this first circle the height and width are not correct as seen in the images

    Rombout Versluijs supported this idea  · 
  10. 1 vote
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    Rombout Versluijs commented  · 

    Ow well, doesnt seem to alway working when GPU is off. Just now i noticed on the Windows system its still happening, on OSX this always works.

    Rombout Versluijs shared this idea  · 
  11. 6 votes
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    Rombout Versluijs commented  · 
    Rombout Versluijs supported this idea  · 
  12. 66 votes
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    Rombout Versluijs supported this idea  · 
  13. 826 votes
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    Rombout Versluijs commented  · 

    Really you guys have been tinkering on this. Many people here don't seem to understand the difference between rotation in Photoshop Vs illustrator. As you said I think rotating the canvas is a better and "easier" way. It would have much less issues figuring out what is on a canvas and what not.

    The caveAt is perhaps the origin of rotation. I would presume it's either center of active artboard or manual set origin.

    Downside to this is probably document with ram hungry setup like extended use of filters. They tend to redraw on each interaction when moved. So perhaps some setting that will go in some kind of low-res preview mode to make this workflow smoother.

    Looking forward to this implementation.

    Please test it thoroughly before launching. Quite some tools have been broken and taken years to be fixed.

    Rombout Versluijs supported this idea  · 
  14. 65 votes
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    Rombout Versluijs commented  · 

    Seems devs dont care about its users nor do they listen to feedback. THey should start look at useful feedback instead of adding new features which make illustrator wack!

    I find illustrator quite broken last couple years. I can hardly snap something properly without the need to zoom in to X100 procent before i get snapping to work properly.

    Then there is SUPER annoying issue with the selection marque handles. You want to scale or more it and it starts to rotate. This is seriously the most annoying issue for years. Its said it was fixed many times and has been returning from 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019 and i think i already saw 2020 having the same issue

    still wonder why this thing only has 150 votes?!?!

    Rombout Versluijs supported this idea  · 
  15. 70 votes
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    In CC 2019 (latest update 23.0.1), at 100% Zoom 1inch artwork would display at 1inch in physical (Print) size, on any display. If this doesn’t work right for screen design workflows, please use the checkbox Preferences > General > Display Print Size at 100% Zoom, to turn off the feature. Currently this feature works only on primary display, and there are plans of extending this to other attached displays.

    Rombout Versluijs supported this idea  · 
  16. 13 votes
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    Rombout Versluijs commented  · 

    @Egor, which version of illustrator is this?

  17. 39 votes
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    Rombout Versluijs commented  · 

    I also see this with simple click operations. There this very minimal lagg. I also see the CPU peak a bit than when i check Activity Monitor and check the cores using CMD + 3. Im not sure this is a wacom thing because in other version i did not have this issue. Its annoying AH this lack, complete ruins a smooth design process. Perhaps its time to shift to Afinity designer now... :(

    Its not a GPU issue because its still there with GPU OFF. Its not there when using the trackpad.

  18. 173 votes
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    I am happy to share that we have fixed this bug in our latest release – 23.0.6 which is available worldwide now.

    Going forward, our goal is to fix as many top User-Voice bugs as possible and as frequently as possible. Given the nature of the fixes, some of the bugs will take a longer time to fix, but we are on it.

    You can update to the latest release using Creative Cloud desktop App:

    Thank you for all the feedback. Keep it coming!

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    Rombout Versluijs commented  · 

    Its not the selecting Tolerance btw which is causing this, that works just fine. Its the Bounding Box tolerance. Its way to high and is funky. It seems Rotation functionality is priorised above other functions.

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    Rombout Versluijs commented  · 

    Why state thats its fixed while its not. Did the admin actually check the issue him self??

    Guess not

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    Rombout Versluijs commented  · 

    Not sure why an Admin states its fixed while its not?

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    Rombout Versluijs commented  · 

    This is so annoying, we need keep zooming in out all the time jsut do very basic adjustments. Its horrible!!!

    Rombout Versluijs supported this idea  · 
  19. 35 votes
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    Rombout Versluijs supported this idea  · 
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    Rombout Versluijs commented  · 

    ALso 2017 cc is stuttering like crazy with wacom tablet. Its getting so annoying all these issue illustrator has them im thinking of switch. The last revision was also like this, yet they keep introducing new stuff but cant fix bugs.!!!!

    Whatsup with that.

  20. 115 votes
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    We have the fix available in the latest release. Please update Illustrator using Adobe Creative Cloud application to the latest build for version Illustrator CC 23.0.2
    Please refer to our knowledge base FAQ if you face difficulty in update.
    Or get in touch with us at any of the other support channels –

    Warm Regards,
    Ashutosh Chaturvedi | Sr. Quality Engineering Manager – Illustrator
    Adobe. Make It an Experience.

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    Rombout Versluijs commented  · 

    Somehow the tablet has a larger reach or hotspot that a mouse or touchpad. When i use my wacom tablet the rotation and move gizmo fires much faster than the trackpad. Its almost 3 times the distance when the gizmo hits. WOnder if anything has to do with the size of wacom. Im using an intuos 4 small.

    Rombout Versluijs supported this idea  · 
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