grabbing tiny things
BUG!!!!! not a new idea quit trying to shirk responsibility by calling flaws "new ideas!" It feels like im dealing with a con man or something
you cannot grab menus and move them because you made no place to grab so you have to close it just to move !
the 4 bezier curve tools use to be easy to to expand to a tear off then you made it a little harder because you had to grab the top of the bar, then you made it harder by putting the tiny little grabber bar an inch away and even smaller. I know no one who program the software actually uses it or you would know it is a repetitive motion nightmare. The most strenuous thing is having to move tiny increments and click on tiny little things you can barely see and every revision it gets worse and worse.
Snap to point doesn't work and it should be snap to guides too

Please accept my sincere apology for the inconvenience. Please get in touch with us at any of the other support channels – .
Thanks & Regards,
Raghuveer Singh
Doesn’t look smaller to me. CS6 vs CC.
Do you have and screenshots, videos?