Illustrator 2018 Crashes
Surface Book crashes within minutes of starting drawing in Illustrator 2018. Have done a complete diagnostic check of my machine with Microsoft online and there are no issues there. What should I do?

Please get in touch with us at or any of the other support channels – .
Since this is not a generic issue that we can reproduce at our end, we will need someone to look into your machine to figure out what is going on here.
With Regards,
Guys commented
after several tries, I finally found the problem. Fonts not recognized by Adobe crashed the file. You need fonts that you own, otherwise it crashes.
BRINKwerks commented
Similar issues. Horribly laggy, terribly long boot & save times, app glitches on save and window/view changes. May be Windows 10 or CC 2018, because my 2012 MacBook Pro running CC 2017 could edit the exact same project files smoothly and quickly. Specs: Brand new XPS 15 Win10 7th gen i7 quad-core 2.8GHz, GPU GTX 1050 32G RAM 1TB SSD
Hitesh Sharma commented
Steps to generate crash dump are present here -
Hitesh Sharma commented
Hi Ric,
Could you please share the steps (description or recorded animation) you took which causes crash,
Also it would be helpful if you could share the crash stack with us.-Hitesh Sharma