Problems with text, bounding box, selections, scaling and more
Hello, I’ve been having a problem with Illustrator for now a week. The version I am working with is 22.1 and I am working on a MacBook Pro 15in 2017 with Sierra 10.13.5, Processor: 2.9 GHz Intel Core i7, Memory: 16 GB 2133 MHz LPDDR3, Graphics: Radeon Pro 560 4096 MB and Intel HD Graphics 630 1536 MB,
I noticed that the problem always starts showing up when I am working with text, especially when changing the tracking of the text. The problem shows up after usually a couple hours of work and it “resets” when restarting the application or the machine. It doesn’t happen with mathematical precision, sometimes it takes 5 minutes to show up, other times it takes a few hours, but since last week every time I worked on Illustrator this problem showed up sooner or later. It also seems to get worse and worse with time. At the beginning it was a subtle glitch of the text that I could resolve with restarting the machine or the application, but now it happens more and more frequently and restarting is not helpful anymore. This problem appears with ALL my files and also when creating a new file.
What happens:
Let's say I have some text that is 72pt and with tracking 0 in red and other shapes and text boxes around it in the artboard.
1- I select the text box mentioned before
2 - I make the tracking 200 in the character panel
3 - At this point the text gets back to the previous size and colors, so for example the initial size 12pt and black. Instead of being 72pt with tracking 200 in red.
4- Then from there the problem degenerates and develops in problems with bounding box, selections and it becomes impossible to work. Following I list all kind of problems I encounter after the problem shows up:
- The text becomes impossible to control because every time I would make a change it would change back to a previous style
- The bounding box disappears, or behaves weirdly for example not following the object or text if I move it
- Selections happen randomly, so for example I select an object and some text gets selected too
- Objects randomly move and repeat movements and changes in a way that seems to mimic the CMD+Z
- Guidelines (the pink snapping ones) are completely random and stays active even when deselecting an object
I am uploading a video where you can see me trying to move the blue line on the right. You can definitely see that the bounding box and selections behave crazy. The text gets also selected and when trying to move the line the text goes back of a step (so changes position or rotation to the previous one). The line keeps moving back.
I also showed the document on CMD+Y mode and you can see the bounding boxes are not showing.
Also I noticed in the past days when working on my coworker computer (a desktop Mac with a different creative cloud installed - different account) that there are little glitches of the same problem starting there as well, so for example the text is doing the same thing when I change the tracking : the text changes size and gets to the previous step of work when trying to change tracking. It’s not even close to where my issue is at but I know it is starting to behave weird. I also read some other posts on this board with similar problems.
I’ve been in contact with the Adobe Support for a week now and it doesn’t seem anything is wrong with my computer. I also reset completely my computer a couple days ago, deleting all memory and applications, but that didn’t help, the problem showed up after a few hours of work.
If you can’t reproduce the problem I can gladly share with you my screen and show you. Also this is the list of things that the Support has tried to fix the problem:
- Reset the preferences
- Deleting all my Wacom drivers
- Deactivating my Intel graphic card (I am still confused about this one - does it mean now I am not using my computer at its maximum power? Can I activate it again?)
- More changes to app folders and similar…
Please can you help me solving this issue? It is not only annoying and frustrating, but it makes it impossible to work and it is damaging my ability to be professional.

Please accept my sincere apology for the inconvenience. Please get in touch with us at any of the other support channels – . Since this is not a generic issue that we can reproduce at our end, we will need someone to look into your machine to figure out what is going on here.