Appearance of Black Feature Not Working in Illustrator CC 2019
The "Appearance of Black" feature is not working after installing Illustrator CC 2019. I've tried to disable and re-enable the feature, however all blacks appear as rich black now. The document shown in the attached screenshot is in CMYK color mode. The black box on the left is 100% K only, the box to the right is C: 60%, M: 50%, Y: 50%, and K: 100%.
Previously 100% process black only would display as shown in the preferences window. I've tried to open an old document and create a new CMYK color mode document, however the 100% K looks rich black.
MacOS: 10.14
Illustrator: 23.0

Please check if Color Settings is set to “Emulate Adobe Illustrator 6.0”, If it is then change it to “North America General Purpose 2”.
Color settings changing to “Emulate Adobe Illustrator 6.0” is tracked here
Jimmy commented
It also appears that opening older documents and creating new documents are now all defaulting to "Emulate Adobe Illustrator 6.0". Does this now need to be setup in Bridge?
At the top the Color Settings currently reads: "Unsynchronized". I'm not sure if this is the reason for Illustrator acting up now. I have tried to change the Color Settings in Illustrator but the setting resets itself.
Jimmy commented
Thanks for the reply Rama. My Color Settings were somehow set to: "Emulate Adobe® Illustrator® 6.0"
I changed this back to "North America General Purpose 2" and the appearance of black appears to be back to the way it was before the upgrade. I'm assuming the software update caused this change. Thanks for the solution.
Jimmy commented
Additional System Info:
macOS Mohave Version 10.14
iMac (Retina 5K, 27-inch, Late 2015)
Processor 4 GHz Intel Core i7
Memory: 16 GB (1867 MHz DDR3)
Graphics: AMD Radeon R9 M395 2048 MB -
Ian Farnam commented
The handling of rich black is not working. Regardless of how preferences are set, all blacks appear in illustrator as rich black. When exporting or printing they will only export as rich black if the color is manually edited to C= 50, M=50, Y=50, K=100. I can't even use edit color to make all blacks C= 50, M=50, Y=50, K=100, because after hitting "ok" it by default sets them to C= 0, M=0, Y=0, K=100. In RGB, R=0, G=0, B=0, doesn't export as rich black. I have tried several times to change my preferences as to how illustrator handles black, but nothing seems to change.