Guides dissapear when selected
In a new document (CC2019) with multiple artboards, the guides dissapear when I select them. They reappear when unselected.

I can’t reproduce it :/
Guides remain visible and become red for me when selected, with GPU or CPU, with Real-time drawing enabled and disabled.
Can anybody recheck it please, using latest versions? -
David Becker commented
This is a consistent bug (for me at least) with the latest version of Illustrator (25.4.1) running on the latest version of macOS Mojave (10.14.6 - 18G9323).
Every single time I select one or more guides, they vanish, only to reappear again when deselected.
I have guides set at their default colour (Cyan) and the User Interface Brightness set at the darkest setting, with "Canvas Color" set to "Match User Interface Brightness".
Obviously what's happening is that instead of the guide(s) turning Red as they should do, they're either becoming transparent or not displaying at all.
This bug only appeared very recently (again, for me at least), so certainly no earlier than Illustrator version 25.4, or possibly even only with the very latest version (25.4.1).
Someone75 commented
Illustrator CC 24.1.2
Guides will disappear with only one artboard, too.
Disabling "drawing in real time" option in preferences will make it work again.
So the new SUPER DUPER feature is just as buggy as the whole software, still.
Anonymous commented
I'm having this issue as well. Illustrator CC 2020.
Johan commented
same bug even with only one artboard. This version seems sloppy if you don't mind me saying so. Where you in a rush releasing it?
I opened up a document created in cc 2018 and things behaved really strange and frustrating me. e.g. at some point shape layers disappeared when I made changes to it but reappeared when I zoomed in and out again.