Letter Spacing
Open Type Letter Spacing doesn’t work properly. If I enable "all caps" the (usually ******) spacing is not applied.

Thanks for reporting this issue. We are able to reproduce this at our end and the issue is currently under review.
Thomas Phinney commented
Many OpenType fonts, including virtually all of Adobe’s “Pro” fonts, have code in them that specifies how much additional spacing should be applied to “all caps” text. This is achieved through the 'cpsp' feature. It should be applied in addition to the 'case' feature when all-caps is on.
InDesign automatically applies this, at least as far back as InDesign 2 (2002) and possibly earlier.
Illustrator and Photoshop do not. Here is a video showing what is supposed to happen (InDesign) and it not happening in AI and PS: https://twitter.com/FontFabrik/status/1228650213272965121