Realtime Preview makes guides and objects without fill and stroke disappear when moving
In Illustrator 24.1 the real time editing feature makes guides or other objects that have no fill or stroke or an object with a white fill and no stroke disappear when moved.
Anonymous commented
man adobe sucks.
Anonymous commented
While in GPU Preview every guideline is disappearing when I grab and drag it. As soon as I let it loose it appears. It's very hard to position a guideline accurately if you can't see it.
In CPU Preview it works, but the overall performance is worse.Illustrator 25.0
macOS 10.15.7
MacBook Pro 2017 (Radeon Pro 560 4 GB, 16 GB 2133 MHz LPDDR3, 3.1 GHz Quad-Core Intel Core i7) -
Anonymous commented
Have the same annoying problem, they haven't fix it!
Anonymous commented
Please, fix this big problem. It's important to see the guide while moving it.
Claire Matthews commented
Please fix this!
Dalton Pearson commented
This is really annoying why it isn't implemented yet. Being able to see where guides are going helps out a ton.
Luís Camacho commented
Bumping this again in the hopes it gets fixed with the MAX release...
Anonymous commented
This is an infuriating bug! Thought it was me until I read this page. Jumping in and out of Illustrator and Affinity Designer but that is another story. Mix them together and there is a perfect piece of software.
Léandre commented
When the option "Real-time drawing and editing" is activated, the guides disapear when we move them
Joseph Court commented
Extremely Annoying, drives me nuts daily! Used to do this a while back. It then stopped for me. Now since new update its happening none stop again. Very very very frustrating !!!!!!
Peter Lenz commented
I can't understand that a bug that was already reported on 09.03.2020 has not been fixed yet.
Anonymous commented
When moving my guides they become invisible which is bad.
Kenan commented
I have the same problem sometimes. Very annoying
Ton commented
@janith-lekamwasam You can also create a layer for the guides and set this layer only to outline, so you don't have to switch.
Janith Lekamwasam commented
I'm having the same issue. Pretty annoying. I don't agree with Lain. I can't switch to Outline mode every time I want to move a guide.
Oliver Malms commented
Same here... seems as if with every bug they fix, 3 new bugs will appear... Workaround (kind of): switch to wireframe mode for dragging guides. This bug ist really embarrassing.
Matza commented
Oh no. I can't work without seeing the dudes. When I want tp places them and have to move they disappear. The paths and anchors are disappearing too when moving so I can't place the guide over a anchor!!!!
Iain commented
If guides are disappearing when dragged, change from in views, first option in list, change "View using GPU" to "View using CPU"
Anonymous commented
New update issues with the path guide from the ruler. Paths disappear or are not able to be pulled from the ruler.
Confirm. These should be visible.
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