Can't export an SVG
I can't export an SVG. It just says 'unable to export SVG' without a reason. :(

Red Bryant commented
I'm having the same issue, using Illustrator v28.7.1
Melanie Bass Pollard commented
I am still unable to export an SVG with the most current 26.0.1 CC version. I work on an iMac in BigSur 11.6.
The problem as I see it, is tied to effects filters which I understand must use "SVG" filters editable within the SVG panel. Regardless of the filter defaults, the UI is missing for filter effects editing requiring css code skills to edit blurs, drop shadows, Gaussian Blurs, blends, etc filters such as simple color and transparency changes. Even using the simple defaults give bitmapped results. I have contacted an Adobe Illustrator expert with tutorials on Skillshare but their response is "out of my league". I am no expert in Illustrator since I don't fully use the software but have used it for many years. If I have missed critical knowledge on how to use the program for SVG export, I do apologize and am eager to learn. A few of the problems I'm observing are:
(1) Existed going back years- Several open tickets for addressing SVG export problems going back to 2017
(2) Problem severely limits the ability to use filters in responsive web design without code expertise.
(3) ALL Adobe Stock vector Illustrations that use blends and other filter effects are unusable for responsive design. Meaning my subscription for web development is not usable. (!!!)
(4) Forces creation of Vector based artwork with filter effects in Adobe XD which severely limits design.
(5) Interrupts the work flow process of integrated Adobe graphics across their programs which is why I chose to train and use Adobe XD in the first place.
(6) Figma and other web development software is able to utilize vector based filter effects with success. There are templates available at Envato that I would purchase to work around the SVG problem but they are not compatible with Adobe's XD.
(7) I have not been able to source filter packages that will do what I need done with/without code editing.
(8) Inkscape has developed free shareware that native SVG. I do not want to use another program but am running out of time for the SVG export issue to be solved by Adobe without impacting my client relationships which it has already done. I've been using Adobe for decades and would hate to abandon ship....Can Adobe please provide an update/solution to this in the first quarter of 2022. I would also ask they update the status on the many SVG export issue open tickets. I anticipate a new software addition to the Adobe CC Suite, like Inkscape, that is native to SVG. If not, I will have to train in another program that has solved this critical issue: SVG filter effects export.
Thanks very much.
Hi Marcus,
Thanks a lot for reporting the issue. Would it be possible to share the file with the Illustrator team? Or a file that reproduces the issue for you? You could either upload the file to an online portal or mail it to ShareWithAi (at)
Dirk -
Marcus Blackstock commented
I can't export in any format whatsoever throughh any export panel:
Marcus Blackstock commented
jk I cant export anything using this panel... PLEASE HELP I HAVE A CLIENT
Marcus Blackstock commented
I'm using the latest version of Adobe Illustrator on CC.