Copy Bezier pen behavior from After Effects
In AE, we can hold down the alt/option key to instantly break smooth anchor points. In other words: Dragging a control point while alt/option is down, enables separate manipulation of the control point (breaking it).
This is way more effective than selecting a separate tool. Maybe this can be added, since alt/option has no function at the momen. (and because in a suite - one would expect similar tools to work the same ;-)

Jan, it works in Illustrator the same way as is in AE. It worked like this for years. It could be a bug though... Then you need to record it and send to for them to investigate at your machine.
Lance commented
This works as expected in my installation of illustrator 2020 and 2021; either when drawing or after a path has been drawn. holding alt (windows) and clicking on a bezier handle 'breaks' the smooth point allowing manipulation of each handle separately.
Maybe you have found a bug?