Can't finish previewing. Could not complete the requested operation.
I applied a pattern to a stroke by accident and received this error. I'm using v25.0.1 on a PC with 16 gb RAM and a dedicated graphics card.
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Randi commented
"Can't finish previewing."
This is happening in Illustrator CC 23.0.2
I'm working on macOS Mojave 10.14.3
iMac Pro
2.3 GHz Intel Xeon W
128 GB 2666 MHz DDR4
Radeon Pro Vega 64 16368 MB -
Anonymous commented
I have Illustrator v. 23.0.1. It crashes and hangs constantly. It also does some strange things like it the typing doesn't show in the real time, but seconds after the word was typed. And, when I try to change the text or graphics, they will not update. I have to shot down the Illustrator and that start it again and then it may or may not start working again.
cory commented
@admin, repeating the same thing over and over again doesn't make it so. THIS PROBLEM IS NOT FIXED IN CC 23.0.1 and to keep posting such is insulting. Better to post nothing then to come off as an ass.
Anonymous commented
Updates to CC & CS6 Illustrator and Photoshop via Adobe Creative Cloud Application all crash and show non responsive virtually each time I submit an action, like enter, delete, copy etc...... is the bug in the Adobe Creative Cloud Application maybe..?? Wherever it is, it’s costing me money and really don’t think I should be paying for something that’s not fit for purpose.... hang on, isn’t that Illegal to charge for a product/service/goods that don’t do what it says on the can... so to speak... just saying allegedly speaking of course!!!
Ana commented
Still having this issue with 23.0.2! Need to get work done!
Anonymous commented
@Ashutosh Chaturvedi (Sr. Quality Engineering Manager, Adobe Illustrator)
AGREED with comments below. At this point I have stopped updating all Adobe apps as they continue to introduce new bugs and extremely bloated features. Please fix this issue!
Paulo commented
Updated to 23.0.2 and illustrator continues to crash, Adobe should be thinking in reward somehow this issue causes a lot of waste of time.
Lé Gill commented
@Ashutosh Chaturvedi (Sr. Quality Engineering Manager, Adobe Illustrator)
Adobe's new team has opened a giant can of worms that they can't possibly ever get it fixed.
All the new updates are much slower, and often fail to perform basic task!
Shame! -
Ryley commented
I am still having this issue with 23.01
Randi commented
I actually just experienced a crash a few days ago, and mine is fully updated. There was an issue saving the image I was creating; it made my entire system crash. I actually didn't even get a dialogue box. I lost two hours of work (which is on me, I know - I need to be constantly saving), but it was incredibly frustrating to start over when I shouldn't have had to.
I'm using Windows 10 on a Dell Inspiron 15 5000 series, and I'm sure this system has been out for a little while, but I've had this laptop less than 6 months. I know this computer isn't the greatest, but it hasn't been having a problem with Adobe until I downloaded Illustrator from Adobe Cloud.
Anonymous commented
Dan commented
We updated to 23.0.2 as suggested and illustrator continues to crash regularly.
Please advise.
Dan -
Alec Jacobson commented
Not sure why this is marked as completed. Updating Illustrator did not help...
I might have stumbled on a solution when I ran into a permissions issue updating homebrew. The solution was to issue (on the command line via
sudo chown -R $USER ~/Library/Caches/
Suddenly Illustrator started working correctly again. Looks like there was a ~/Library/Caches/Adobe folder that this command was also resetting the permissions of, so maybe that accidentally fixed it. Not sure how the permissions got screwed up. Maybe this is apple's fault (probably!).
Anonymous commented
Latest update has left Illustrator completely unusable on my 2016 MBP. Can't even drag a single rectangle on a blank document without my entire system locking up. Something is VERY wrong.
Anonymous commented
Anonymous commented
Using my brand new 2018 MacBook Pro with 32GB memory, I am getting these freezes frequently with very simple files (using most recent AI).
Why is this marked "resolved"?
Brian commented
The problems with the 2019 version does not exist with the 2018 version. I re-downloaded the 2018 version and got rid of the messed up 2019 version that never worked for me. Only solution that worked for me to be able to use Illustrator.
Anonymous commented
In case you're wondering, this is still a huge problem—I FEEL LIKE I'M TAKING CRAZY PILLS!!
Jim commented
I have the latest version and cannot open a file I created yesterday because of this bug.
"Resolved." I do not think it means what you think it means.
Anonymous commented
Every time I try to open a file I get the error message saying not enough memory, which is absolute BS as I have 32 GB of memory. I tried opening multiple different files and still get the same error message. FIX THIS NOW PLEASE!!!!