Radial Repeat Shift angle constraint
When resizing a radial repeat object, holding Shift does nothing.
It is expected to constraint the rotation angle to 45°, but it does not.
Holding Alt is expected to create copies, I guess, as well.

Ian Davies commented
I have cause to use the Repeat Object function for the first time ever, and quickly discover that:
a) it's poorly thought out and saddles potentially powerful functionality with a broken UI, and
b) users have been telling Adobe about it for years and have been ignored.Same pattern over and over. Rinse and repeat. I genuinely don't know how some of the half-baked nonsense in this app ever gets signed off.
A related request:
Radial Repeat rotation angle value in Control and Properties panels
http://illustrator.uservoice.com/forums/333657/suggestions/43866528 -
David commented
Please, for the love of everything, stop the dang AI for a second and fix this. Holding shift to restrain is expected behavior for EVERYTHING
David commented
Who is monitoring consistency at Adobe anymore now? How was this not base functionality?!
Ori Manor commented
This is much much needed and very upsetting it's still not built in
Ben DiAnna commented
Can't believe this isn't just built in! I go to adjust the size and the angle will be changed by .1%...
Hans commented
NEEDED! It would also be nice the circle can be changed to an oval shape, similar to how you make a radial gradient oval.
jakes_waystation@hotmail.com commented
It would also be nice if you could adjust the angle of the rotation in the options panel. Currently you can adjust the radius size, but not the rotation angle.