The colors in the closed file are persistently and almost forcibly trying to enter the palette.
Let's say a spot color was used in a previous work and somehow copied. Later, when the file job is finished and I start another new job even though I have closed it, the copied color in the closed file persistently and almost forcibly tries to enter the palette. I tried to describe it simply in the video.
@enisio We are able to reproduce this issue with the steps you provided. Thanks for not letting this go
Enisio commented
It's good to finally have someone hear me :) thx -
Enisio, wow.
That’s what I'm calling an investigation!
Finally we are able to catch this (at least partially, because I can’t make these previously merged swatches to appear in another document, as happens sometimes for me).
Anyway, I am able to reproduce this.
Thank you! -
Enisio commented
Thx Egor,
I discovered something new. Never mind the old files, I prepared a more updated video.STEPS
(1) Let's add a few random pantones or spot colors to the SwatchPallete.
(2) Let's select a few colors one by one with the Ctrl key in order and give the MergeSwatches command.
(3) Copy any object
(4) Let's paste it on the page.
The colors that have just merged are back on the palette.I don't leave unnecessary colors on the palette and it can be misleading.
So then I have to issue the SellectAllUnused command.It's been this annoying since version 23 as far as I remember.
Unfortunately that's how it is in Version 25.4.1. (Is it just me seeing this error?)In this case, if we do a rough calculation backwards, I probably used the SellectAllUnused command 1 million times :=)
After you saying it might relate to old files, I feel like I am remembering something like this once or twice...
I am not insisting on sharing one of these files here, but I encourage you to send one to, once you locate which and if one has it consistently — with the clear steps of how the team can reproduce it.
And thank you for reporting it. -
Enisio commented
Thx Egor for your answer,
When you do SellectAllUnused, my friend, you can delete it because there is no such color. I seem to encounter it a lot when I open old files. It even happens that the DeleteGolbalColor color names appear in the SeparationPreviewPalette.
In short, it would not be a lie if I say that I use the SellectAllUnused command at least maybe 100 times a day :). If there was an error with the file, I would add it here.
My guess is it might be due to old files. But I will not let this thing go. If I find the exact source, I will make another video.
Wow, interesting.
It feels like some of your objects have a complex appearance that have this red spot applied to, underneath the black... but why then Ai sees it as unused... Can you share the file? -
Enisio commented
I also added a similar error...This link.
I think the problem is the same
Patrick commented
Why has this not been fixed? Merged swatches keep reappearing.
Scott commented
When I create a series of spot colours and then later add correct Pantone colours to replace them via merging swatches (ie say 'spot golden yellow' - is merged by newer Pantone 123C) they merge correctly then close the document and the original 'spot golden yellow' re-appears again along with Pantone 123C. This has been happening for the last 3 versions (maybe longer).
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Illustrator 2020