Find/Replace Fonts hangs/spins/beach balls when try to replace with system font
Find/Replace Fonts hangs/spins/beach balls when trying to replace missing font with system font. This also happens when trying to viewing any of the local system fonts. Can only force quit Illustrator and cannot replace the missing font. If you open the NHS Spring VG 2023 Quarter Page Ad.pdf file in Illustrator and try to substitute the font with the Adobe Font GarageGothic it is not possible. - macOS Monterey Version 12.5.1 Apple M1 chip with Adobe Illustrator 2023 version 27..1.1

Chris Munro commented
I think this bug is caused by Type 1 fonts. I tested it with a new document and I only got it to freeze when I scrolled a window in the Find/Replace Fonts window when I had a Type 1 font loaded.
Alex Buisse commented
I have the exact same issue with Illustrator 27.1.1 and macOS 13.1. I have some outdated Type 1 fonts which I am trying to replace, and as soon as I try to get a system font, the Find/Replace Font dialog keeps beachballing until I force quit the whole application.
Paul Huntsberry commented
activity monitor screenshot
Paul Huntsberry commented
Here is a sample log of Illustrator maxing out to 100.8% CPU.
Paul Huntsberry commented
I reinstalled 27.1.1 and had the same result. The document fonts work, but I can not view the system fonts without it hanging. See video here:
Paul, I notified the team.
But please also try the trick with Document fonts I offered as well: try to manually type something with the fonts you need on canvas, and then try to replace with fonts in document rather than System fonts. This would help to understand which part of it went haywire. -
Paul Huntsberry commented
Egor, Thanks for your help. I think it is an issue with MacOS and v 27.1.1. I reverted back to v27.0.1 and I was able to replace the missing fonts. There is something about the 27.1.1 that doesn't allow me to see any of my system fonts at all without it crashing/hanging and going to 100% CPU. I tried clearing font caches and reducing to a bare minimum of fonts, resetting Illustrator, uninstalling and reinstalling but kept having the same problem. I need to use the specific fonts which are actually Adobe Fonts, but they would not auto-activate.
I am able to do that on Windows 10, with 27.1.1
Both fonts get replaced just fine.Paul, all other fonts can’t be used too, correct?
What about adding some text with Monserrat in the document, and then trying not System or Recent, but Document?Do you have the same problem with the previous build?