Live color preview doesn't work anymore in recent update, 27.5 version

Juan Ramón Batista commented
I have this issue after update to 27.6.1
I reset the preferences and still no live color picker. Why is this happening?
I dont see any option to set it on or off...
Ashraful Islam commented
I updated it a day ago—still no sign of a live color preview. And GPU performance is on.
mochi commented
27.5にてピッカーのプレビューはしばらく動作していましたが、作業中急にリアルタイム反映されなくなりました。オンオフ等の設定ではなくv27.5, v27.6.1のバグのような気がします。
kata1963 commented
v27.5, v27.6.1 では機能しません。
v27.1.1-27.4.1 では機能します。
改善を望みます。 -
Anonymous commented
Updated it to 27.6.1 and still the same for me.
GPU Performance on, tried to check & install the previous version (still works on v27.4.1).Or does the feature have another settings to turn it on and off?
Are your sure the feature is turned on and your are using the GPU rendering mode?
What about the most recent one, 27.6.1?