Illustrator (Desktop) Feature Requests
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- Why is this valuable to you?
4553 results found
( Export for Screens ) more file format support
Add more file formats + CMYK ability to export for screens.
Here's an example for a customer that wants multiple logos with multiple taglines for multiple usecases. (check attachment)
Am i supposed to manually generate 200 files in the future?
More formats gogogogogo
2 votes -
Vector Networks Like Figma Has
In illustrator vector shapes can only go in one continuous path. If you wanted to draw a cube, it would take 3 shapes, perfectly aligned and 12 points, 6 of which would overlap.
In a vector network a point can have multiple branches meaning that a cube could be one shape, with only 7 points (see image).
This feature would eliminate the need for complex shape overlays to create simple compositions, like a cube.8 votes -
compare .ai files
similar to compare PDF's in acrobat - the ability to compare differences between ai documents. this is useful sometime if comparing artworks pre press or outlined versions compared to live type.
2 votes -
illustrator2021で以前のVer(CC2019など)を開くとアートボード のX軸かY軸、もしくはその両方が0.0001ほどずれる(端数がい入る)
何か良い対処法を教えていただくか、改善してほしいです。1 vote -
Snap to Stroke width option
The addition of the snap-to-glyph functionality that was added to the type tool recently, it could be useful to have the option to snap to the outside width of a stroke (i.e. the where the path would be if a stroke were expanded into a shape), perhaps with a zoom or stroke size threshold to prevent mis-snapping at broader scale.
This could be particularly useful when try to align an object to a path with either a variable width stroke or multiple strokes applied. It would also allow for more precise alignment to the end of open paths that have…
12 votes -
Zoom In On Navigator
Zoom In On Navigator
- When I am using the navigator, I'd like to see how certain areas of my document will look when printed. I would like to be able to zoom in on the navigator. See attached file.
- This would help me greatly because I could see small changes and large changes, at a better scale, while not making the navigator take up too much space within your layout.
1 vote -
Keyboard shortcuts for switching Workspaces
In Premiere, I can quickly switch between Editing, Multicam and Color Correction workspaces via keyboard shortcuts. I don't understand why the same isn't possible in Illustrator? If you need to switch workspaces with the mouse via a dropdown menu, it negates a lot of the reason for using them in the first place (time savings) It seems even more essential in Illustrator than Premiere, because you typically switch between tasks much more quickly.
5 votes -
One Path, many colors...
Would Love to be able to select path segments with the Direct Select tool and apply, line weight and color assignments to that segment only - WITHOUT cutting the path into myriad, noncontiguous chunks.
Wishing to retain the editibity of the Path.1 vote -
Select all objects on same (sub)layer as selected object
Currently, you cannot select one object and expand the selection to the entire layer, the existing "Select > Object > All on same layers" selects the parent layers as well.
In case objects have different appearances, but reside on the same sublayer, it is much easier to select one object than to search for the appropriate layer in certain situations (especially on large files).3 votes -
Select all objects in view
It should be possible to select all objects that are in view (the selection excludes locked objects).
This is a very useful time-saver in many other applications.3 votes -
Custom PPI Option for Raster Effects
I am trying to create a new document in Illustator and want 100ppi rester. Unfortunately there is no option. I remeber earlier versios used to have this option, like its even available now in PS
2 votes -
The option to select the text on the active artboard and not just the whole document.
The option to select the text on the active artboard and not just the whole document. Presently I can select all text elements, I can then flatten/outline the text. But... if I need to outline the text on the active artboard, that would save a lot of time.
1 vote -
Drawing like in CAD
Hi Team, I use also CAD Software and drawing sketches is in most CAD SW more sophisticated than drawing in AI. I mean e.g. when drawing a circle in CAD you can just drop on and then define the origin and radius etc. This coordinate based parametric drawing in CAD is straight forward. So in the end I think drawing sketches like they are drawn in CAD like SolidWorks or Alibre would improve AI a lot. Regards Dirk
2 votes -
Close all other document tabs.
I would find it really useful, if I could right click on a document tab and select "close other tabs" as I often have lot's of tabs open and eventually only want to work on a single tab. Instead of closing all one by one, this could be solved with a single click.
3 votes -
Touch Type improvements
Touch Type is a nice tool that is still unfinished.
- Can’t select several glyphs at once (not by Shift+clicking, not with a marquee)
- Can’t constrain rotations to 45° by holding Shift
- Can’t constrain movements to axes by holding Shift
- Can’t select a glyph when it’s even partially obscured by another one next to it
- Can’t reset selection to original states via on-screen controls
- Snap to Glyphs obviously doesn’t work with it (imagine if it would have)
- There is no way to apply changes to one glyph without shifting all glyphs to the right…20 votes -
Recolor using color wheel: move multiple color stops
Currently we can only move either ONE colour stop or ALL colour stop(s) in linked condition. It would be great if we could only link SOME of them for moving.
It would be much more convenient when recolouring colour stops of particular hue of a complex artwork.
2 votes -
1 vote -
Dynamic Swatch
It would be awesome to link colors used in multiple places to a parent color swatch. When wanting to change every instance of a specific hex value you could make the change once and have them all update (similar feature in InDesign, I believe?)
1 voteYou can make a swatch global to achieve this
Illustrator (BETA) for Apple Silicon is here!
We are excited to announce the first Beta release of Illustrator running natively on Apple Silicon hardware!
This early version of Illustrator for Apple Silicon offers many of the core features that you've come to rely on for your day-to-day needs. Please give it a try. We would love to hear your feedback.
You can download this Beta through the Creative Cloud Desktop app's Beta Apps section. Look for 25.3.1 version. If you do not see the build, send me your Adobe ID at kotwal at Adobe dot com
10 votes -
graph type preview checkbox
It would be nice to add a Preview checkbox to the Panel that you get when using Object > Graph > Type… , Object > Graph > Design… , Object > Graph > Colum… and Object > Graph > Marker…
After 35years this should be possible.
Thank you!10 votes
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