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4474 results found

  1. Export for screens should exclude template layers

    When exporting for screens, any layers which are set as template or non-printing should be excluded from the output without having to first turn off that layer.

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  2. Soft selection (Selection drop off)

    This already exists in many 3D applications (Maya, 3D Max, and C4d, for sure) and it's often treated, not as a separate tool, but as a setting in the regular selection tools. The idea is that you can set an gradient influence area where the points directly selected are affected 100% by transform changes, while everything else is affected by the changes but adjusted to the alpha percentage of the gradient at that point's initial location. I know that sounds like a mouthful, but it's very similar to how the mesh warp works (minus the having to convert anything and…

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  3. Allow negative value spacing in pattern brush.

    Simply allowing negative value spacing in the Pattern Brush Options, so it overlaps. Would eliviate a lot of work tinkering to make the original object right for pattern brushing as well as for allowing more interesting patterns.

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  4. Refine (not revert to previous) zoom to selection

    Now, 'Zoom to selection' zoom AND centers.

    I think that zoom to selection should not center at all by default (and, of course, there should be an option to add centering to zoom). The selected art should stay where it is located in view, until zoom level is big enough so object will go outside current view — only then AI should move view to fit the art.

    And there should be a tick 'Only for zooming in'.

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  5. Add numerical control over light sources in 3D Extrude & Bevel Effect Options

    When applying and tweaking 3D Extrude & Bevel Effect, user has to manipulate light by precise mouse twitching over the small sphere.
    It should be at least twice as big to provide fine control (I won't note this as separate request), but there should also be numerical fields to control the lights' position over sphere — angle, elevation, choose any.

    Also, why Depth and Height values there are immune to document Units settings? 56.96pt is nonsense to me, while 20mm makes sense.

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  6. Improve and allow customize the 'Show' info slot in the bottom bar (next to horizontal scrollbar)

    Show field next to zoom and artboard selectors below work area can now show 5 things:
    current artboard name, which is nowhere else is seen except Artboards palette;
    current Tool, that is usually visible if Tools panel is on;
    current date-time, which is visible in system clock;
    number of undos, which was quite useful when RAM was tiny;
    current profile, which is visible in document header.
    I mean, almost every info available is also available in other place!

    I would like to use this field as something exclusive:
    number of selected objects (nowhere to be seen, only PathScribe plugin can…

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  7. Star and Spiral live shapes, with on-canvas controls, better tools

    Better Star tool, with side widgets to change the number of points, the rays’ length, etc.
    Possibility to re-edit anytime the number of points in a star.
    Also, the possibility to adjust the thickness of the star "arms".
    (like Freehand was doing long time ago...)

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    Star is now a live shape and available in the all the public builds starting from V 28.3.0.

    You can now customise your star in any way you like; may it be changing the no of sides, corner angles, or even the corner radius. 

    Please try it out and let us know what y'all think !

  8. A big persistent Color palette offering RGB and HSB and Grayscale at a glance.

    When making Illustrations, I switch between RGB / HSB and Grayscale all the time. I have a 30" screen - room enough to show all mixers all the time.
    Please make this possible.

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  9. Reveal in Finder / Explorer option for document tabs

    Reveal in Finder Option - Currently reveal in finder you "command + click" file name at top of window, however this option is not availble when window is tied to the application frame.

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  10. Option to put Properties Panel at the top of the workspace.

    For those of us who find it more convenient for the Properties to be at the top of our workspace, we should be able to click and drag the properties panel into the default space along the top of the window.

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  11. Isolate Selected Objects without having to group them

    In my work flow, I find I would like to isolate more than one object for something, and not necessarily a whole layer. Currently I have to group two or three objects first to do this. I'd like to see being able to isolate selected objects without having to group them first.

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    7 comments  ·  Isolation  ·  Admin →
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  12. Option to "Show Transparency Grid" by default for all the files at all the time

    I deal with a lot of white icons/svg and would like to keep the transparency grid on by default for all the files.

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  13. Snap shape to artboard or bleeds

    When you draw a rectangle as a background color or border, you could snap to the edges of the artboard or snap to the edges of the bleed.

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  14. Clickable hyperlinks embedded text

    To be able to embed text for example for this: for text thank you
    <a href="">thank you</a>
    or <a href=>Example</a>

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  15. Add an option to hide the Search/Filter field in Layers

    Search/Filter is cool, but some prefer to not have it.
    Other panels allow to choose components: we can pick sections to display in the Character panel, we can show or hide the search field in Swatches, etc.

    However, the panel does not have such an option in its flyout menu.
    Please add one!

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  16. Improved Layout of Illustrator Options

    Illustrator 2023 (v27)

    This is a proposal to improve the layout of the Illustrator option.

    Illustrator format files contain two different types of data: PGF and PDF data. Currently, Illustrator options have three settings: PGF only, PDF only, and common settings for both PGF and PDF. However, these settings are currently mixed together in the window, making it difficult for users to understand which setting they are operating on.

    To make Illustrator options more easily understandable, we propose organizing the layout and clearly distinguishing each setting. By grouping the setting items and labeling each group clearly, users will be able…

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  17. Add Cut At / Connect / Remove Selected Anchor Points commands to 'Object > Path' menu

    In Control panel we have three buttons for a point partial selection:

    1. Remove selected anchor points.
      Does the same as a menu command Object > Path > Remove Anchor Points, and this command can have a hotkey assigned to

    2. Connect selected end points.
      Does the same as a menu command Object > Path > Join, and has a default hotkey. Why Ai uses both 'Join' and 'connect' for the same operation, and also has 'Join' tool, which does a pretty different thing — is an UX mystery.

    3. Cut path at selected anchor points.
      There is NO a menu command for…

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  18. Group Overlapping Objects

    A very casual and time-consuming operation, especially because we lost Object Lasso ( — drag a marquee around objects, hit Gtrl+G, drag another, group again... repeat dozens of time, especially if you draw icons or something similar for stocks.

    What if Illustrator was able to do it for us?
    Scan the selection, search for overlapping objects and create groups?

    What if it could do that in two modes: simple, by intersecting boundaries, and advanced, when true outlines being checked?

    What if it could do that with a tolerance also? Like if object are, say, 10 pixels apart, group…

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  19. Bring back "Object lasso tool".

    Was present in earlier AIs. Helpful for non-marque selecting. Increases efficiency

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  20. Customizable splash screen

    Adobe marketing team decides what to display as splash screens. Sometimes the choice is great, and sometimes is not, much more often, to some of us.

    And since the Illustrator splash screen is what we see often, and it obviously influence our thought and mood, we’d like to have options to customize it.

    We can access the image ourselves, all of them are stored along with other version for different resolution screens at
    C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Illustrator 2022\Support Files\Contents\Windows\aiccsplash.png (on Windows)
    and packed in the application in Contents\Resources\ (on Macs),
    but this feels like a hack.

    What if we…

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