Save a Copy in same folder of AI file (like before)
Save a Copy in same folder of AI file (like before)
Since the update to 22.0, the behaviour of “Save a copy” has changed so as to present the last-browsed folder destination in Windows Explorer. Previously this defaulted to the location of the working file.
This is interrupting workflow considerably. I’m sure I am not alone in saving PDF copies of artwork in profess, for discussion with colleagues and clients. This used to be a couple of keystrokes but now I have to remember to browse back to the working file location each time.
In summary:
Expected Result: Explorer window should really default to the location of the working file.
Actual Result: Shown location in Explorer window is that of the last-browsed folder destination.

We have the fix available in the latest release. Please update Illustrator using Adobe Creative Cloud application to the latest build for version Illustrator CC 22.1.
Please refer to our knowledge base FAQ – if you face difficulty in update.
Or get in touch with us at any of the other support channels –
Warm Regards,
Ashutosh Chaturvedi | Sr. Quality Engineering Manager – Illustrator
Adobe. Make It an Experience.
SH commented
Great work Ashutosh, well done to you and your team
Anonymous commented
Working great, thanks guys.
Anonymous commented
I've made the update and it's working fine. Thanks for fixing the bug! My team is greatful :)
bill zablackas commented
Greetings! I made the update to Illustrator and this works if I am exporting to a jpg and it is saved to the existing folder. But I have to use "Save a copy" to create pdfs to send to clients and they are ending up everywhere in another folder that may have been open. This is the big BUG thats driving me crazy. It has worked forever since tis latest 2018 update.
Merry Christmas. -
Since we completed the fix for Export location we posted a build. Save a copy has been moved to a different thread just to clear that this is incomplete. Please do not worry about low votes or see this as a deceit. We assure we are on it and hopefully you will have a good news from us soon.
Steve commented
Export is fixed, now please fix "save a copy" to work as stated.
Anonymous commented
Stop joking around with this bug and fix it!
It not going to solve your problem by sending the bug dow in the feed because it's so important that everyone is looking and Adobe only stay bad in the picture!
Darnell commented
Please fix this immediately - it's been months now. And a lot of your users are ****** and are not performing at their peak because their workflow has been vastly disturbed. Read the comments, count the votes. What do we need to do to make this any clearer??
Anonymous commented
Fix it please!
Sven commented
Will someone take this a little more seriously? I wonder whether a new thread will be created once this reaches 80+ votes, like the thread below.
Ashutosh, I hope you will understand this charade simply damages the Adobe brand.
Gerald commented
I received a notification with an update to this bug, only to find out that it has been re-labeled, why couldn't you arrange for this to be fixed instead? I suspect from what I have read so far that there will be a fair amount of backlash from this.
Sam commented have basically have pushed this to the back of the queue by creating this new post? You shouldn't treat your users like this
Anonymous commented
Stop changing the theme to less voted ones... THIS IS A BUG!!!! A big one!!! Solving it today and it is already too late!
Jake commented
Ashutosh, not cool what you did, it's pretty obvious to everyone that you created a new thread to manipulate the system. This section no longer has any validity, thank you for ruining a decent system where users can voice their concerns.
Yaris commented
You truly are behaving in such a deceitful manner, I will post this in every design circle to show how slyly you created a new thread simply to reset the 'vote' count and to buy yourself more time.
Your behaviour truly beggers belief!
bill zablackas commented
What the ****! Are you going to fix it or just keep talking about it?
Mark Elson commented
Or, at least. make ability to change the default export path (same as working file or last saved location) in the preferences.