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Illustrator (Desktop) Bugs

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41 results found

  1. Calligraphic Brush, Blob Brush appearance anomalies at small brush sizes (1 pt and above)

    Illustrator 22.1, though this is extant in all versions I'm familiar with (since at least CS5).

    When drawing with a calligraphic brush (and thus also with the blob brush) at small sizes, certain tight curves result in anomalous shapes extending out from the expected area covered by the brush. The screenshot attached is around 15mm across. AI file also attached. Expected result is that the brushed area corresponds to the shape of the calligraphic brush along the whole length of the path.

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  2. Optical kerning issue in some Japanese fonts

    1. macOS Monterey(version 12.3.1)/Illustrator 26.3.1

    In optical kerning for many Japanese fonts,
    the space between characters is too narrow and some characters overlap.

    [1] AI26-0-3.jpg
    Illustrator 26.0.3
    Examples of character spacing with different weights in some fonts

    [2] AI26-3-1.jpg
    Illustrator 26.3.1
    Examples of character spacing with different weights in some fonts

    [3] AI26-3-1overlap1.jpg
    [4] AI26-3-1
    [5] AI26-3-1_overlap3.jpg
    Illustrator 26.3.1
    Examples of character spacing in several sizes

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  3. Save now takes longer in updated 2020 version

    When I save, even a blank document, it takes Illustrator a lot longer than the previous version to save.

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    Hi All,

    We hope this season ends on a joyful note and continues into a safe and prosperous New Year for you and your family.
    Merry Christmas & Happy New Year 2020.

    We have tried to address this issue in our beta build of 24.0.2.
    Please visit and get the latest build for version 24.0.2 (Build 1).

    Please do let us know if this issue is resolved for you or not.

    With Best Regards,
    Illustrator Team

  4. Snap to grid doesn't work at artboard edges

    Snap to grid is ignored at artboard edges.
    See animation attached.
    It makes me cry.

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    21 comments  ·  Snapping  ·  Admin →
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  5. Type on Path Characters vanish and appear scattered / exploded on far edges of canvas (when zoomed out) if outlined / expanded

    Started in in version 27.7.0
    Reproduction procedures:
    1. Create type on a path in document.
    2. Save the document and close it once.
    3. Open that document and select the text on a path.
    4. Execute command “Outline Text”

    The above procedure will make it all disappear and disappear.
    This phenomenon is not reproduced in Illustrator 2022 or earlier, so it seems to be a 2023-specific bug.

    Support Community Reference Threads

    1. ドキュメント上にパス上テキストを作成
    2. ドキュメントを保存し、いったん閉じる
    3. ドキュメントを開き、パス上テキストオブジェクトを選択
    4. アウトラインを作成


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    The issue is believed to be fixed in the latest Beta build and is expected to be pushed into the Global Availability build at the end of July.

    To ensure this indeed fixes the problem, please install the latest Beta build from CCD app and try to reproduce it, following the steps provided by Ton in a comment within the report.

    Please reply back if Beta works for you or not.

  6. This file has been modified outside illustrator

    After updating to Illustrator 24.0, sometimes when saving a file, I get a popup that says 'this file has been modified outside illustrator. do you want to continue?'

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    Hi All,

    We hope this season ends on a joyful note and continues into a safe and prosperous New Year for you and your family.
    Merry Christmas & Happy New Year 2020.

    We have tried to address this issue in our beta build of 24.0.2.
    Please visit and get the latest build for version 24.0.2 (Build 1).

    Please do let us know if this issue is resolved for you or not.

    With Best Regards,
    Illustrator Team

  7. Glyph substitution not working in v28.7.1

    In v28.7.1, if the formatting of the character immediately before a glyph substitution is different, the glyph substitution does not work, and the default glyph is displayed instead. This bug occurs just by opening an ai file from a previous version. It's an extremely serious bug.



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  8. 文字組みアキ量設定の動作不良

    1.お使いのオペレーティングシステムおよび Adobe Illustrator (デスクトップ版) のバージョン
    Windows10、Adobe Illustrator28.7.1




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  9. 32 votes

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  10. illustrator crashes when using surface pen to draw

    as soon as i use Illustrator to draw using my surface pen on my surface 4 pro illustrator crashes. it did this to me in the trail of cc 2018 however i assumed it was because of the trail version. i subscribed to cc 2018 a few days ago to draw and i haven't been able to draw with my tablet. mouse seems to work but as soon as i use a brush with my surface pen it crashes and will not allow me to generate a crash report as it stays gray forcing me to restart my computer.

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    Raghuveer Singh [10:04 AM]

    Please accept my sincere apology for the inconvenience and disappointment the issue has caused. We do test our products thoroughly including running it through multiple beta testers and we really regret that this issue slipped past our quality checks.
    We have a fix and is available in the pre-release build. Please visit and get the latest build for version 23.0.5 (Build 2). While the build is prerelease this build is still of production quality. Please feel free to use/recommend it for your day to day activity.
    We would appreciate if you can give us the feedback on the correctness of the fix by pressing the Thumbs up button on the UserVoice page.

    Raghuveer Singh | Sr. Software Product Quality Specialist | Illustrator Team
    Creativity is all around you.

  11. Wake from Sleep Bug

    M1 MacBook Pro, Mac OS 11.5.2. - AI 25.4.1.
    Every time I wake my MBP from sleep, AI window is resized to half screen (horizontal) and all Palettes are whacked! all bunched in corner of screen, have to reset window size and reset palettes, every single time. Only AI does this, no other App.

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  12. Breaking links for several selected symbols at once doesn’t work

    At the moment it is not possible to unlink several selected symbols at once with the context menu command. Illustrator will unlink the symbol that is at the top in the layer panel.

    If you use the symbol menu command to unlink the symbols all selected symbols are unlinked.

    Thank you!

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    4 comments  ·  Symbols  ·  Admin →
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  13. Line tool is immune to the Constrain Angle

    When you set up Constraint Angle to 30 or whatever is different form 0 or 90, pick up Line tool and hold Shift, it still snaps to 0, 45, 90, 135... instead of 30, 75, 120, 165...

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    6 comments  ·  Tools  ·  Admin →
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  14. 13 votes

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  15. 12 votes

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  16. Pressing Ctrl/Cmd+Enter in Color field no longer adjusts other color values proportionately with live color preview since 27.1.1

    Prior to 27.1.1, when live color changes were made, we were able to use Ctrl/Cmd+Enter after changing a value to proportionally move all other sliders, which is an equivalent of dragging a slider with Ctrl/Cmd key held.
    The face the preview is now live should not kill this old feature., since Ai surely can remember previous values.

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  17. Reordering artboards / double clicking an artboard zooms me into that artboard

    I experience the following disorienting app behaviour.

    How to reproduce:
    1. Zoom out with all the artboards in view.
    2. In the artboard list, find which artboard is highlighted.
    3. Click-and-drag that artboard. (Don't even really need to reorder it)

    Expected behavior:
    Nothing asides from reordering the artboards.

    Actual behavior:

    I am now zoomed into that artboard. I then have to zoom back out and continue reordering artboards at my desired birds-eye-view distance.

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  18. Rotation of a text while Snap to Grid is on

    You can't rotate a text with the Rotate tool when Snap to grid is on.

    Please watch the GIF attached.

    Then try to replicate.

    Open the attached document.
    Enable Snap to Grid.
    Select text.
    Grab Rotate tool.
    Hold Shift (or even do not).
    Try to rotate the text.
    If yes, move it a bit to the side (with snapping still on) and try again.
    Experiment a bit with different positions.

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  19. Live Paint bucket tool preview error

    1. Adobe Illustrator CC 2021 (25.2.1 64-bit) on Windows 10 Home Edition.

    2. After the Live Paint Bucket tool is selected, out of the 3 preview swatches above the pointer, the center one is always wrong / inverted. This bug is consistent when we press the left & right arrow keys on the keyboard to select a swatch. On the other hand, the Swatches panel would reflect the correct option when the Live Paint Bucket tool is in used.

    3. When the Live Paint Bucket tool is selected, the center swatch in the 3 preview swatches should accurately reflect the color option, just…

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  20. Artwork gets shifted when an artboard is resized with width and height constrained and Scale Artwork Constrained enabled

    CC 2025 v29.0 introduces the long-awaited "Scale Artwork with Artboard" option. When we drag the transformation frame with the Artboard tool, the objects are scaled synchronously, and the position’s calculated properly.
    However, when we start to enter the width or height of the artboard, with Constrain locked, the objects get shifted relative to the artboard after being scaled.
    The problem has been confirmed on both MacOS and PC.

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