Snap to grid doesn't work at artboard edges
Snap to grid is ignored at artboard edges.
See animation attached.
It makes me cry.

Hi Everyone, thanks for your comments. Re-opening it based on the feedback.
Anonymous commented
Snapping to the grid is not working when the selected element is touching the artboard edge! That is so annoying and produces an imperfect placement of my elements!
Agrajag commented
I hate this issue so much. It is not a minor issue for me.
Anonymous commented
The snapping in Illustrator is just generally bad. I always have to go through every single artboard and fix up the edges, even if Illustrator is telling me that my objects are snapping to the edge.
Rizki Aprita commented
adobe team probably have no idea how to fix it, or they just dont care. as its a minor feature.
Michael Swengel commented
This is still an issue on 26.0.1! Come on, Adobe!
Verzella commented
not resolved in 25.2.3
Anonymous commented
snap to grid doesn't work for me anywhere on the artboard, objects, lines, etc all bounce each other away i can't get anything to align like in previous versions of illustrator
Neff commented
Oh well, another problem that's existing well over 2 years. Can't wait for the next affinity update.
AnTi-ArT commented
Still an Issue in 24.3
If I need perfect alignment to edge I stop the shape 1 Grid BEFORE the edge and move it manually with the arrow keys...
It is driving me crazy on a daily basis.The same issue happens btw when moving a shape ALONG the Artboard edge, it does not snap. So yeah, I move it one grid away from the edge, move sideways with mouse where I want it to go, and hit the arrow key to align it back to the damn egde.
Anonymous commented
Duuuuuude, snapping doesn’t work because the artboard edge is messing up the snap.
Marc Edwards commented
This is maddening. I definitely want snap to grid working on artboard edges.
Anonymous commented
Not working in 24.0.3
Avinash, it does not
J. Patiño commented
This is still an issue at 24.0.2 version. Please, this need to be resolved.
Kit Grose commented
The issue appears to be that the snapping is still broken when the cursor is near the artboard boundary, but is working when the cursor moves far enough away. That leaves a very tiny area where the behaviour works as desired.
I've recorded a video demonstrating how this issue is simultaneously fixed and still broken:
Anonymous commented
NO THE PROBLEM IS DEFINITELY NOT SOLVED, and I'm still experiencing this at 24.0.2.
It's not fun anymore Adobe. -
Kenneth Spond commented
Bug is absolutely still active. Running latest Adobe and Mac OS.
Anonymous commented
This bug is still active. I’m using version 24, and objects still snap to the artboard!!
Kenneth Spond commented
Yep. The problem is not resolved. I'm running 23.1.1 This has been an issue for YEARS now. FWIW, my workaround is to build my artboards larger than I need to and creating a locked layer where I draw a box for my actual "artboard."
Hugo commented
I'm on version 23.1 and this issue is still occuring.