Selection Stuck
Often when I select multiple object one will remain selected no matter where I click and what else I select. I have to "select all" then clink in blank space to get everything un selected. It's wasting a lot of time.

I am glad to update that this issue was fixed in 23.1 release.
Thank you for all the feedback.
Artjoms Berjoza commented
Issue still present (year 2025)
Zach Dominguez commented
Still an issue.
Anonymous commented
Not sure if this will help anyone else, but for me, it's usually because I had a linked object in a locked clipping mask selected, and then tried to deselect. Unlock the clipping mask, deselect, and re-lock.
Anonymous commented
This has rendered the software almost unusable. The cursor will randomly select an object and, despite locking it, locking the layer, creating new objects, undoing/redoing and restarting the software, the problem is not solved. I can create new lines/objects, but then it includes the new stuff in with the one dumb thing that's selected. I can't reformat the new shape without it manipulating the thing that's selected. It's like my art is stuck in one giant, unhappy family photo.
Catt commented
Is anyone else still having this issue?
Anya Gorban commented
Having this issue often, did not happen in the past to me, seems like an issue I've had for the past 1-2 months. Very annoying and an incredible waste of time trying to get around this. Please resolve asap.
Anonymous commented
still happening in v. 24.3
Katherine commented
I was messing with a clip group. Somehow now I can't unselect and seems to be having the issue other people are having. It had created a second layer then now after I merged it all and ungrouped the image, it still isn't working. It looks as though the layer isn't selected and only the image looks full color. HELP
-Tried edges: didn't work
-Tried select all: didn't work
-Tried deleting picture: didn't work -
Cathenart commented
This is what worked for me: go to View --> show edges (command H on Mac)
Hope it will work for you as well.
Have a good day! -
Alissa Canto commented
I'm still having that issue and It's Sept 2020
Diego commented
its something related to the clipping mask, when erase the clips, the glitched selection edges disappear
Anonymous commented
you can triple click the object that is selected and click off, it worked for me just now. Hope this helps
Anonymous commented
This issue is still not fixed
JT commented
This is still an issue.
Faith commented
This issue is most definitely NOT fixed (completed) , Anjali!
Anonymous commented
no it wasn't it happens nearly every hour for me.
AE commented
This issue has been constant and has never been fixed on Illustrator for at least 10 years now. I can say for a fact I have been experiencing this ghost selection problem throughout most of my career. Is it really that hard to fix?
Julie Anderson commented
Still have ghost selection issue in 24.0.3
A-aron commented
Can confirm this is still an issue
David commented
I figured it out... Ungroup everything, if anything is grouped in the selection it will continue to be selected. If you completely ungroup all layers it will lock them properly when you attempt to select them. I hope this helps!