Image Trace has a problem keeping the artwork in the same location from the original.
Illustrator version 22.0.1
Image trace seems to have a problem keeping artwork in the same location from the original. Screen Shot 1 shows some text that I have rasterized to be image traced. I work at a die making facility so rasterized images need to be made into vectors for our CNC machines to "read them."
As it stands, if I image trace this text it is going to be transposed to the right and below the original. The image traced result in Screen Shot 2 is the magenta color. My original rasterized image is in black. When this specific problem comes up we have to manually move the image traced result back over the top of the rasterized art to ensure that it is in the exact position or our CNC machines will be off and ruin dies by milling into image area.

It seems like it happens only when Ignore Color options is ticked, and stays exactly in place when this option is disabled...
Can anyone verify that please? -
匿名 commented
usually important
匿名 commented
Brandon Lemoine commented
Still having this issue. Has anyone ever figured out a fix?
Tobiasz Zysk commented
2021 and issue still exist...
David commented
Today is September 14, 2020 and the issue is still not resolved. I traced an object about ten minutes ago and it still drops the traced object down and to the right. I just don't understand why it can't just keep the same coordinates as the original. Trying to get it back to where it was is senseless and not as exacting as I am accustomed to experiencing in Adobe Illustrator.
I am currently working with version 24.1.3. I have refused the update to any version beyond this one because of the new "Auto Key Object" feature that was added in the newer version. I would prefer to continue to manually select a key object if I even want one and I have not discovered a way to turn off the "Auto Key Object" feature in the newer versions, so I reverted back to version 24.1.3.
For the record, I fervently disagree with this new addition as it messes up my workflow in a way such that I am unable to do my work with it on. Therefore, I have and will refuse the update until THAT issue is either fixed or at least made to be optional.
Anthony Crosson commented
Illustrator 24.2.3
This bug is back in the latest update. Image trace is still transposing the result to the right slightly of the original image.
The magenta object is the image traced result, and the black image is the original. The traced result is not in the exact place anymore.
Anonymous commented
We need a image trace that accurately traces art and doesn't shift it from the original (like in Illustrator 5)
Rimas commented
Illustrator seems to shift higher-res artwork to the sides. DPI adjustments apparently can be made to the image to remedy this before tracing, but I still consider it a bug alongside not being able to trace high-res images accurately.