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Illustrator (Desktop) Bugs

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  2. The version of Adobe Illustrator (desktop) 
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88 results found

  1. chain icon in properties-window problem

    the little chain icon in the properties-window usually displays the wrong state by startup of the program. as its klicked the first time it works fine. but not from the beginning. big issue i know but its annoying ;)

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  2. "Apply value and keep text box active" using key command Shift + Return does not work on Mac OS

    when you change something in the Character panel... for example the tracking... and you want to keep trying new values without selecting the field every time you used to be able to hit Shift + Return and it would automatically highlight the field while applying the current value... this made it easy to continue to try new amounts. PLEASE FIX THIS!!! Thanks

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  3. Panels stuck under menu bar when using two monitors

    When Ai is displayed on a secondary monitor, if that second monitor is off and than on again, all panels get moved back to the primary display, some of them being stuck under the Mac OS menu bar — where it becomes impossible to move the panels again. Fixes include choosing a fresh unused workspace, but repeating the sequence damages that workspace. Also workspaces saved while using a second monitor don't honor that layout when selected again.
    Please fix! Thank you.

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  4. Decimal delimiter gets ignored in values

    When i want to choose the thickness for a line for example 0.25 mm / 0,25 mm AI automatically turns it into 25 mm.
    In Denmark we use " , " and in USA they use " . " for decimals. I'm pretty sure.
    I have Windows 10 whit english UI but danish system settings and Danish keyboard. And all my Adobe products in English or US. I'm not sure.

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  5. Palettes/Panels are broken all over!

    This is not just in AI. It's in PS, and ID as well. Can't make selections in pull down menus. It keeps reverting back to the default. Can't enter values in fields and use tab to move to the next field. Awfully annoying! What I want to know is what was the QC department doing before releasing this terrible package?

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    0 comments  ·  Properties Panel  ·  Admin →
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  6. Illustrator has bugs to support variable font with 3 attributes

    This is a sample font which to demo the variable font has 3 attributes (weight/height/Optical Size).

    If use Illustrator's Character panel to adjust the height attributes, the weight attributes would no work.

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  7. no accessibility

    Why can't i access my properties panel and puppet warp tool? Is it a bug or some other issue

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  8. Popups do not work in new version of AI

    cannot access small-caps menu. Click on "character" and nothing heppens

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