Cannot create or load documents, the canvas goes black / white / transparent / empty / transparent
Whenever I try to open a new document or a pdf or ai file the screen shows up blank white. It is not because the white part is the art-board since I tried zooming out already and it didn't work. I also tried updating illustrator and that didn't work either nor any other questions I found on here.
Screenshot 2024-07-18 153603.png 421 KB -
Screenshot 2024-07-18 153522.png 33 KB -
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Bild_2021-10-04_155858.png 50 KB -
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Bild_2021-10-04_155832.png 13 KB -
Screenshot 2020-12-12 at 9.13.48 PM.png 627 KB -
Screenshot 2020-12-12 at 9.13.48 PM.png 627 KB -
Screen Shot 2020-10-07 at 9.24.55 PM.png 75 KB -
bug2.PNG 65 KB -
bug.PNG 93 KB -
Capture.PNG 10 KB -
Screenshot 2020-05-12 at 7.53.51 PM.png 343 KB -
Screen Shot 2020-04-26 at 13.40.41.png 214 KB -
Black_Screen-Issue.PNG 138 KB -
Screen Shot 2019-08-21 at 8.25.38 AM.png 169 KB -
New File.jpg 154 KB -
Illustrator.jpg 146 KB -
blank screen.png 2910 KB -
Capture.PNG 53 KB -
Untitled-1.jpg 310 KB

Please accept my sincere apology for the inconvenience. Please get in touch with us at any of the other support channels – . Since this is not a generic issue that we can reproduce at our end, we will need someone to look into your machine to figure out what is going on here.
Warm Regards,
Ashutosh Chaturvedi | Sr. Quality Engineering Manager – Illustrator
Anonymous commented
I have the same problem. How is it that Adobe has not posted a fix on this post??
Anonymous commented
cannot open new blank document.....but can open document file
Brian Nutt commented
Arial Bold is not correct in illustrator. The font is not arial bold, but something else. Tried to reinstall and overwrite existence file, but still getting the same thing.
Sarah Khan (Illustrator team) commented
Sorry for the inconvenience caused. As this is not a generic issue , can you please share the system info file from Illustrator. Go to preferences->GPU Performance->Show system info . Copy paste the information and send it to sharewithai(at)adobe(dot)com.
Sarah -
Hatsu Kei0000 commented
Edit -> Preferences -> GPU Performance , and unchecklist the "GPU Performance".
work for me (win10 64bit)
Sarah commented
When I have several files open, I can't switch tabs to another file. It gets stuck on one file, even if I click on different tabs, and eventually the screen goes grey and I can't view any open files.
The only way to fix is to close files (without being able to see them!) and restart Illustrator. Hugely inconvenient to close files without seeing them. -
Anonymous commented
I just had the same problem. Managed to solve it somehow, that's how I did it:
Go to preferences - experimental feature and then in settings click 'Enable for CMYK documents'.
This worked for me also! Nice
Anonymous commented
same problem!!!
Simon dance commented
I have same problem, if I drag and resize the artwork window (i don't work with application frame on) it clears... no idea why. Annoying but effective
Richard Jones commented
Aftie Miah's idea works but the resolution and clarity is very poor.
Anonymous commented
I have the same issue.
The work around of switching view to CPU preview works. But come on Adobe, fix this already!
Aftie Miah commented
Open a new document and copy and paste of assets over, then save it. That should solve the problem.
Christopher commented
same problem, come on Adobe we spend heaps of money for software that doesn't work, not happy
janet commented
I have this issue I think it may have to do with computer memory. Usually if I close all the apps and restart the program I can then see my document.
Anonymous commented
I have the exact same problem and after two hours of trying every setting I can find, still no joy. Anybody found a solution?
Anonymous commented
I had same after latest update. OSX High Sierra, 13" Retina Iris Graphics. 2015.
Fixed by switching to CPU view.
Updated becaus of BUG in not exporting to SVG from last version of AI
Adobe - I gotta say - with the price you charge for your kit...and this level of complacency - you will be out of business soon enough. -
Sjors Trimbach commented
Turning off gpu and restart fixed it for me. (windows 10, Surface)
Douglas Petroshius commented
crtl+alt+shift+y is the bomb.
Taylor commented
cmd-shift-H --> hide artboard tool
Anonymous commented
View > GPU Preview