Constrain Angle Preference Setting
When changed, the preference value for constrain angle does not work with shift drag in the latest version 21.1.0.
Pen, shape tools and nudge keys appear unaffected.
The changed value only works with shift drag after application restart.

Thank you for the confirmation.
Anonymous commented
It's one of the preference settings.
When I was rewriting my Illustrator manual for class (updating it for the latest version) I went into my desktop computer and removed my Adobe Illustrator 21 preferences. I needed to reset the program back to it's default state so I could represent that state to the students in the manual. After completing the update to the manual, I replaced my preference file and the "constrain angle quite working"!
I searched for a fix, found this thread, and added my name to it. But I never did find a way to get the constrain angles working again. I worked that way for about two weeks (very, very annoying!) until I realized that the constrain angle function was working on my laptop. SO... I opened the preferences on my laptop and the preferences on my desktop and changed the desktop preferences to match the laptop preferences.
After I did that everything starting working perfectly again! Sorry, but I don't know what preference it was that made it work, or not work... but it is one of them!
Kris Kathmann commented
Seems to be working again in version 22.0.1. Thanks!
Rishabh Tiwari commented
Hello Kris,
We are unable to reproduce the problem at our end.
Please attach the video so that problem can be reproduced in house.Thanks