Properties panel bug
When you edit word in properties panel and you want to change first few letters in word from normal to bold. It will show you change but when you deselect type tools it will change entire word to bold. But if you go trough type panel everything is fine.
And if you change stroke size in properties panel to 0,5 pt it will apply 5 pt, for 0,25 pt 25 pt and for 0,75pt 75pt stroke.

This issue has been fixed in the latest version of Illustrator.
Please update Illustrator to latest version (23.0.4 on MAC & 23.0.3 on WIN) and verify the fix.
Thanks & Regards,
Illustrator Team
Ziaullah commented
Thanks for reporting.
We are able to reproduce both the issue on our end.Internal Bug ID to track the issues are AI-4210138 and AI-4208827.Regards,
Mohd Ziaullah
Illustrator Engineering Team -
Anonymous commented
Same problem here!!
Anonymous commented
Same issue with stoke sizes below 1pt in the properties panel, 0,25pt become 25pt etc... Illustrator 22.0.1 Windows 10.
Robin commented
The input fields do not seem to handle comma correctly, and only use the point-separated decimal.
0.5 ---> 0.5
0,5 ---> 5