CC 2018 PGN Exporting looking worse than CC 2017
When using Adobe Illustrator CC 2017 back then, exporting a HUGE resolution, Inked Lineart via File->EXport As->PNG-> High 300 ppi + Art Sampled + Transparent..
Whenever i open that file on Photoshop CC 2017, the line art looks CRISP, stylish, soft, with no dead pixels like showing off..And Photoshop CC 2017 detects it with a 19kx20k Resolution.
NOW, when using THE SAME EXPORT SETTINGS but on illus' CC 2018, the exporting looks instant...Oh yeah, great... But when i open it on PSCC2017....The lineart looks VERY THIN, 1px like, with greyed out dead pixels.
Please do NOT break out what's working out PERFECTLY!!..I've noticed things went TOO FAST for exporting on illus 2018/loading on PS 2018...But this is unforgivable..
Please fix this ASAP on the actual versions. And i have a POWERFUL gaming PC so this shouldn't be a PROBLEM...

I am closing the ticket due to lack of response.
Please get in touch with us at or any of the other support channels – . Please give a reference to this post so that we can identify you.
Since this is not a generic issue that we can reproduce at our end, we will need someone to look into your machine to figure out what is going on here.
Illustrator Team
Hitesh Sharma commented
Thanks for sharing the concern,
Could you please share the file with us, so that we can look into the issue.
also if possible share the recorded animation.-Hitesh