Recolor artwork window stops working shortly after opening (Illustrator CC2018)
Im using Adobe Illustrator CC 2018 on macOS High Sierra (10.13.2).
I'm trying to recolor my artwork but the window accessed via Edit colors > recolor Artwork freezes shortly after using it.
Everything remains responsive except that when I click any part of the window there is no response from Illustrator. I can still move the window around but cannot exit it. The OS doesn't recognize it as a crash (no "not responding" message).
I've been working on the same document in Illustrator CC 2017, recoloring worked fine in then.
Any idea how to fix this?
Thanks for the help in advance.

Hi All,
We have the fix available in the latest release. Please update Illustrator using Adobe Creative Cloud application to the latest build for version Illustrator CC 23.0.1.
Please refer to our knowledge base FAQ – if you face difficulty in update.
Or get in touch with us at any of the other support channels –
Warm Regards,
Raghuveer Singh
Illustrator Team
Anonymous commented
having same issue now. High Sierra, Mac, latest illustrator
Erik commented
After expanding a greyscale traced artwork, the edit colors window causes Illustrator to freeze. Sometimes directly upon starting the Edit colors... window and sometimes after choosing a different color scheme. So in essence the same as others have reported.
Sean commented
I haven't had an issue recently. I'll let you know if it goes haywire again.
Ziyuan commented
Same thing has happened to me here.
Sean commented
When selecting Edit Colors or Recolor Artwork. The resulting window sometimes will not respond to any input, and I can't leave the window by pressing "OK" or "Cancel". I am also unable to save or do anything else on the program (including closing it) without force quitting in Task Manager.
It's not "frozen" per se. The buttons still light up suggesting the program is working, but the buttons don't respond to any input.
Grace Potts commented
Same is happening for me. I can exit from the window with esc, but that's it.
Audrey commented
The same thing is happening to me but I can't click anywhere in illustrator. I'm about to force quit and loose all my work because I can't do anything.