Version info disappeared from “Get Info” of Finder
macOS 10.12.6
CC 22.1
For ai files saved using v22.1, version info is not displayed in “Get Info” of Finder.
When checking with xattr command, did not exist in those file.
Did the specifications change?

Resource Fork in .ai files are removed in version 22.1. This is done to prevent an intermittent crash while saving Illustrator files to smb volume on macOS 10.13. Apple deprecated resource fork many years ago.
Following Apple document talks about deprecations that lead to removal of Resource From .ai files
Michel commented
CS 6 was the best version of illustrator, then it's not good anymore
Elizabeth Whitmire commented
How is this completed?? Are you saying it won't be fixed because it can't be fixed?? Because the More Info section of the Get Info box is still there - it's just empty, so it sure seems it should be possible to put the version info there as it used to be.
Veronica commented
Working with different vendors, it's important to be able to verify the file's illustrator version for production. Not all vendors employ the latest equipment, making it necessary to "save back" and check what was saved. Please fix this and allow the this info to be available through "command i" again!
Anonymous commented
I have the same problem too. My scripting environment does not for CC 2018 or later because I need to record what version the file is saved in. And at the moment I can't find any work around or way to re-write the scripts to get this information
Anonymous commented
I have the same problem. It is part of my job to check and guarantee that the artwork we produce is saved at a certain version of AI. I cannot do that anymore.
So I would really appreciate if you fixed that bug as soon as possible. -
Jim M commented
I have a few clients that still use older versions of Illustrator. I have to back save their files and I need to be able to confirm a file version numbers. In addition to the jumping palettes and the bug that causes the (Command + Spacebar) shortcut to go missing, no file version information is just one more annoyance in this program. More wasted time means less income for me. Adobe raises the prices and lowers the quality of it's software. This is supposed to be a professional level program. I get that problems will arise, the point is professionals fix problems promptly. That's not good customer service!
Mark B. commented
Boooo to Adobe for removing this useful information! We send 99% of our files to overseas vendors. This information was our best and easiest way to double check the file was saved in the correct version. Once again, Adobe has failed is customers.
Rick commented
This is a MAJOR problem for me, as I need to check back-saved versions of files sent to clients regularly.
Please take the time and trouble to restore the File Information facility as soon as possible.
We - your customers - are paying you a lot of money for the use of this software, so PLEASE LISTEN TO OUR VOICE!
Thank you
monokano commented
Hi kfallsover
I made two small desktop applications for Mac.
Please try using these.• Ai File Version:
• Glee Ai: -
kfallsover commented
I'm very annoyed that this hasn't been addressed anywhere! In fact, this is the only thread I found, and there are no real solutions. I work with clients/printers that don't use CC, so I need to prepare the data for older versions of illustrator. I need to double-check the version before sending, and now there is no way to do it!
Anonymous commented
Illustrator 2018 no longer writes version history into the file. Or at least not in the Finder display.
When you choose Command I in the Finder on an Illustrator file, it used to show Version: Saved As v.17 Created by v.21.1.0. Now there is nothing. I use this information extensively in my scripting workflow. As a consequence I am sticking with Illustrator 2017 for now.
Stephen commented
Hi Rama, is there any accurate way to see what version an Illustrator file has been saved as on macOS?
Stephen -
Anonymous commented
Has this problem been resolved? I just updated to 22.1 and I send a great deal of files to companies with older systems. I just started getting messages that my files can't be opened. When I go into the finder regardless of what version I save the file as there is no version info in the finder.
monokano commented
I will explain that CreatorTool is not necessarily accurate.
Use CC 2017
1. File > New...
2. File > Save
-> <xmp:CreatorTool>Adobe Illustrator CC 2017
CreatorTool is correct.Use CC 2018.1(22.1)
1. File > Open... > Choose a file saved using CC 2017
2. Add edits
3. File > Save
-> There is no
-> <xmp:CreatorTool>Adobe Illustrator CC 2017
CreatorTool is INCORRECT.3. File > SaveAS...
-> <xmp:CreatorTool>Adobe Illustrator CC 22.1
CreatorTool is correct.Open in higher version and choose File > Save, CreatorTool will not be updated. The display of Adobe Bridge is also the same, so the user can not get accurate information.
Lego commented
Rama - never was a problem with version info on 10.13 on my machine. I do not agree. Inform in release note before remove feature. Request share apple script to get this information from file
Sorry poor English, I speak German.
monokano commented
Hi Rama
This is unavoidable. However, problems arise here. Users can not get version info easily and accurately.
Currently, users can get 3 version info.XMP > CreaterTool
This created version is displayed in Adobe Bridge, but it is not necessarily accurate.PostScript > AI8_CreatorVersion
This created version is accurate, but it can not be easily geted.PostScript > Creator
This saved version is not easily geted.Anyone can not get version information easily and accurately. Differently created versions of ai files are not fully compatible. It is a very serious problem that users can not get version info. Please solve this problem in some way.