Pasting symbols now creates unique symbols instead of instances of the original symbol
Copy-pasting a symbol —whether individually or by using the paste to all artboards command — now creates a new symbol instead of creating instances of the original symbol. Alt-dragging the symbol to a new artboard creates a new instance of the original symbol as expected.
This seems to be a new bug, as I can't recall ever having this issue before. Thanks for checking into it!

Please accept my sincere apology for the inconvenience. Please get in touch with us at any of the other support channels – . Since this is not a generic issue that we can reproduce at our end, we will need someone to look into your machine to figure out what is going on here.
Ton commented
Mark, I cannot verify your suggestion. If you can replicate it, please post a video here.
Ton commented
Mark, I'll check that, Global colors and CC libraries are a bad combination.
Mark Chambers commented
I am suggesting that Global color swatches could be the root cause of the problem. Your vector symbols contain colors. If those colors were "Global", and they were born in a color profile different than what your current document is using, then you can expect duplication in anything using that swatch — be it a paragraph style, graphic style, or symbol.
Ton commented
Mark, are you talking about the same problem? This is about Symbols duplicating, you mention styles with global colors from CC libraries (which is also buggy).
Mark Chambers commented
This seems to happen sometimes, but not always, even in the same document. I just found one cause: color. If your style is using a "Global" color, copy/paste duplicates. If you convert the color to show its values, and redefine the style, copy/paste no longer causes duplicates.
I have experienced a similar problem regarding copy/pasting objects which have no style. The color swatch is copied back into the document as a different color, prompting you to choose what to do: Merge Swatch or Add Swatch. So the core of this bug is likely color swatches.
I would give the developers the further hint that this occurs when creating a global color swatch in a CMYK document, adding the swatch to a CC Library, and using that color again in an RGB document. At least that is what I am doing which seems to cause this issue.
Eric Bryant commented
I am having this same issue
Alexey Korepov commented
"life is pain" © :)
Ricardo commented
it happens all the time... ALL THE TIME.. drag and droping or copy pasting via keyboard. It duplucates the simbol instead of the instance
Alexey Korepov commented
I have same problem with fresh Illustrator version not every time, but randomly very often when copying symbols, here is thread about this:
Also here is same bug report.
Neat commented
Update: so it appears the issue is isolated to one specific symbol in the file I'm working with. No idea what could be triggering it. The symbol in question is a header that contains an outlined version of a logo that I converted to a symbol and a dotted line. Nothing too extraordinary about either of them besides the logo symbol having a lot of components because there's a small illustration next to it.