SVG export for screens distorted
Vectors getting quite distorted creating SVGs of logos even with 5 decimal places and no minify. I've had to copy and paste into Sketch then export SVGs from there, not ideal at all.

Jay commented
Still having this problem but figured out you can save as a png, open a new blank doc in illustrator, drop the png into the new doc, image trace it and play with the settings until its exact and then finally export that as an svg. A real pain but at least theres a few workarounds.
Steve Carkner commented
Same type of problem here using newest 2018 Illustrator.
Copy and paste the image into Photoshop and export from SVG there works fine (but this is a major PITA) -
Melanie Bass Pollard commented
I'm experiencing same thing- particularly on files that utilize filters. And including many files downloaded from Adobe Stock that are simple icons. Polygonal patterns won't export without an outline around each shape. Layers with varying filters and opacity won't export. We're having to use png files which is not ideal for responsive web design. I shared my files here:
Hello Ken,
Thanks a lot for reporting the issue you see. Would you be able to share the file that you try to export with us? You may upload the file here directly or get it sent to us:
Thanks a lot in advance!