Pantone Solid Spot colors added from InDesign to a CC Library become Magenta Process colors in Illustrator
A Pantone Solid Spot color (or any Lab spot color) added to a CC library in InDesign will become 100% Magenta CMYK Process color in the Swatches panel when added from the CC library by double clicking in Illustrator.
Ton commented
This is still not solved:
Create a Pantone Spot color swatch in InDesign (I used 321 C for sentimental reasons) and add it to a CC Library.
Switch to Illustrator, double click the swatch in the CC Library to add it to the Swatches panel.
It becomes a Global Process Color CMYK Swatch as 100% Magenta instead of a green Spot color.
Library: -
Julie Mader-Meersman commented
Hi, I am a design professor and most students in my class experienced the very same problem identified above when we were doing an exercise to learn how to apply the correct color palettes to different logo files. Specifically, we created fictional identity designs as a means to learn how to create a production-ready bundle of files ( logo versions in b&w, spot color (Pantone), 4-color process, and RGB). Almost 100% of my students 18 had the file that should have been CMYK show up when opened as RGB. Through testing this unusual pattern of error, it appears that Adobe Illustrator will choose to show the color palette that was last opened within the application and create a color translation of what the color *should be* into what it want to show you. The students had trouble getting the color palette to hold the color information they entered (percentages of either CMYK or RGB, in particular). Regardless of what they had entered, a computer with one or the other of these color palettes open would override their settings. In one case, I also witnessed a student manually enter RGB values, only to deselect the item, select it again, and then find *different* RGB values in place than those I watched him enter. In 19 years of teaching, I've never seen this problem be so widespread across student files. For what it's worth, the Pantone palette behaved. The problem specifically is between RGB and CYMK colors/color palettes. PLEASE FIX THIS. This will cause major problems in real projects that rely upon color mode accuracy. Please contact me with information about the problem and/or solution. We would appreciate a follow-up.
Ton commented
For more problems with sharing swatches see: