Export for Screens: bad antialiasing and jagged edges on images within (especially rotated) when exported to JPG
Images from artboards containing embedded raster files output using Export for Screens are of decidedly lower quality than those output from Save for Web. Please see the attached image for a side-by-side comparison. Save for Web is on the left, Export for Screens on the right. Top images are actual size, bottom enlarged for emphasis. Notice the jaggies in the raster images.
Mac OS 10.13.5, Illustrator 22.1
Export for screens - AA setting is NOT honored.jpg 740 KB -
Save for web legacy - AA art opt'd setting IS honored.jpg 646 KB -
Export for screens setting that is being ignored by Illustrator.png 43 KB -
the embedded and rotated hi-res raster images, seen within Adobe Illustrator.jpg 619 KB -
Screen Shot 2023-03-28 at 09.00.15.png 232 KB -
ImageComparison.jpg 2320 KB -
TestLayout_Overall_01.jpg 605 KB -
lowQualityExportScreens02.jpg 593 KB -
Illustrator bug 3.png 1637 KB -
ImageComparison.jpg 2320 KB

Carlos Morales Quirós commented
Feb 11 2025... still an issue, how many votes are needed for this to be fixed?
D.H. commented
Adobe Illustrator 28.7.1 (Win 64bit) - Export bug
The "Art Optimized (Supersampling)" setting within Export For Screens > Format Options is not working correctly for any of the JPEG settings.
In the output, placed hi-res raster images are ruined, as if the "Type Optimized" anti-aliasing setting were selected.
Export for screens PNG format honors anti-aliasing setting, as user would expect.
Save For Web (Legacy) JPG format honors anti-aliasing setting too.
But "for screens" JPG output is broken.Examples attached, or shown as notated screenshots here:
https://imgur.com/a/UlbRjLB[EDIT] admins seem to have merged this with another report of the same bug, which is fine except that our example images are now jumbled together.
[Deleted User] commented
I'm working on a Mac with Sanoma 14.6.1 and updated to Illustrator version 28.7.1. Now I get the same thing. When I use 'export for screens' on artboards that contain place images, they all export as pixelated images. I did set the export settings to 'art optimised', but it's like Illustrator ignores that and keeps on using the 'text optimised' setting. Attached two samples. One where I used 'safe for web' which looks nice and one where I used 'export for screens'. You'll notice that especially in the red text a lot of pixelated edges appear. Which would be typical if I used 'text optimised', not 'art optimised'. So I suspect that changing the export for screens settings to art optimised does nothing and Illustrator keeps exporting as text optimised images. I have to use safe for web now, but this gets cumbersome as I often have multiple artboards to export.
Carlos Morales Quirós commented
@peter true, exporting at 4x and resizing is a cumbersome workaround, but the only really suitable until they fix this...
K-O commented
@sjacobs Yes, you are correct. Thanks.
@ carrie Exactly. I'm exporting dozens of assets at a time. Ha, over and over since you dont see the mistakes until you click export. -
sjacobs@hawthorneadvertising.com commented
"- adds white borders due to anti-aliasing the artboard edges"
this happens when your dartboards x / y coordinates are not an exact/whole pixel number (ie. no decimals).
Carrie Keymel commented
>I'm not suggesting that as a workaround but simply noting that if you use Export As or Legacy Save for Web, the images dont have this poor rendering.
While this is true, you can only do these one at a time and have to name the file at time of export. It's extremely inefficient when with Export For Screens you can do many artboards with custom names at the same time. I understand you weren't posting a work around, but I also wanted to point out to the Adobe team that this is impractical for anyone who works at any kind of scale, which is probably MOST of it's users.
Peter commented
>How does this not have more votes?
I can answer that.
Because every now and then the topic is merged with a bunch of other threads (sometimes not even the same issue).
Then a week or so later an "engineer" comes in and closes the thread. Often citing something completely irrelevant and not addressing the problem whatsoever.Then 5 minutes later one of us reopen a new thread with the same problem and the counter is back to zero.
Also: The problem goes beyond raster graphics, it happens with vectors too - scaled rasters are just far more noticeably degraded.
How does this not have more votes? Well...
Most people come here to vote for one specific pan they discovered.
You, K-O, upvoted more than 50! But Ai UserVoice has over 7500 bugs reported. Some of these are duplicates, some are poorly posted, without proofs or details, some are actually resolved, but even 5000 makes it 100 times more.
I bet most of these are familiar to everyday Ai users (they are for me!) ...but people just don’t care or don’t have time to vote for OTHER problems other than their-only-one-they-came-here-for :(
32 votes, even though every voice is precious, is hardly enough to change the prioritization queue, it seems.So vote, vote, vote, vote, vote. This is our only effective tool to raise the awareness of the team.
Ton commented
In 28.6
Slightly rotated an image
Export for Screens > JPEG 100 Art Optimized.
They are horribly jagged and the Art Optimized setting is ignored. Embedded as well as Linked. -
K-O commented
How does this not have more votes? I'm not suggesting that as a workaround but simply noting that if you use Export As or Legacy Save for Web, the images dont have this poor rendering. Asset Export also properly renders the image. Why? I would love to know what the thought processes is / was. What are the challenges limiting this feature? I would love to have one reliable and versatile method for exporting images.
The whole module needs a reexamination based on a real day to day designer's workflow.
Asset Export and Export for Screen should function to the same level as photoshop's save for web. Its 2024. We need this for web ads, site builds and social posts.
In addition to the rotate render issue, other problems exist with the Export for screens feature:
- adds white borders due to anti-aliasing the artboard edges
- detailed setting are missing
- I wish we could export ANY supported file types like tiffs, gifs or psd all via this one feature.
- Text rendering is poor at small font sizes. -
James commented
Same here, 3 designers since at least 2019 across 7 Macs, with a new version of macOS each year plus 1 Windows 10 PC. Just go to Shutterstock, get any raster image, place it on an artboard, rotate and Export for Screens. PNG is fine, JPEG is a pixelly mess. We just export a PNG and use quick actions in macOS to convert to JPEG now. We almost never export any JPEGs from Illustrator as you get better results on almost everything converting from PNG or using WebP.
Raymond Siri commented
We have this issue since 2019. Adobe is completely ignoring us.
Ton commented
Still there in 28.6
Slightly rotated image
Export for Screens > JPEG 100 Art Optimized.
Artboards work fine, Assets are horribly jagged -
許力心 commented
This is a matter that requires your assistance in rectification.
I am utilizing Windows 10 as my operating system, and the ADOBE version is 28.3 (64-bit).
Attached is my sample file for your reference.My team and I are facing considerable challenges with this. Your assistance would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you.
Alan commented
I have version 28.3 installed and have the same issue exporting for screens 1x jpg - art optimized. Works fine when it's set to PNG. I had to use Save for Web.
Carlos Morales Quirós commented
This is Still happening on version 28.0.0, and yes Carrie, this happens with any image format, not only JPG....
I just hope they never remove the legacy save for web, that'll push me look for other program to work with. -
Carrie Keymel commented
Having the same issue as Carlos but with pngs as well. Any linked image that's angled exports with horrible jagged edges when using export for screens. This has only become an issue for me recently.
Peter commented
Unfortunately the admin is wholly incorrect on two counts: DPI is entirely irrelevant and forcing output to 96dpi doesn't solve the problem (nor should it, illustrator shouldn't be compromising quality for workflows that aren't equal to 96dpi.)
The problem from day 1: JPG format in "Export for Screens" is always using "Type Optimized (Hinted)" as the output even when "Art Optimized (Supersampling)" is selected.
It's easy to prove too: Just put some text into an illustrator file and change the "Anti-aliasing method" (in the text panel) to None, Sharp or Crisp or Strong.
In the JPG output from Export for Screens we can see that no matter if we choose Art Optimized or Type Optimized, the output is always as if Type Optimized was selected.
This is it, this is the whole problem. It's likely an off-by-one programming bug.
Isabelle commented
I just tried 'Export for screen' and changed the setting from 1x to 96 ppi—as indicated by the Admin in the resolved comment—and the image still comes out choppy and not on par with 'Save for web'. Anyone else experiencing that? I'm curious why this issue has been marked as resolved when it doesn't seem to be.