Offset Path Bug
OS: Windows 10
Illustrator CC 2018 Build 22.1 (64-bit)
When working with Outlined Letters 9 times out of 10 it works.
However 1:10 when I do Object > Path > Offset Path - one of the Anchor Points does not move. When this happens it always seems to occur within the plug of the letter and it appears to be an Anchor point that would have been straight down from its original position.
In the Attached Image I show the original Path and Offset Path as outlines and the Anchor Points are illustrated by Cyan Circles.
Thank you!

Bryan, as per the comment, please share the test file and provide the clear reproducible steps so the team can try to replicate this on their side.
Jotham commented
I would include an AI file with this one. They are going to need to be able to recreate it, especially if it only happens 1 out of 10 times. This could be something as simple as the miter limit being too high or it could be related to where the object is placed on the grid causing the issue.