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197 votes14 comments · Illustrator (Desktop) Feature Requests » Effects, Appearance, Graphic Styles · Admin →
Ai allows to use Halftone effects via Effect -> Pixelate -> Color halftone.
What specific cases are not solvable through the use of this?
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7 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Jotham commented
I made a video explaining how to recreate the bug and the fix.
Ok I've fully figured out the bug and what is causing it. Adobe illustrator has default names for Pantone swatches. If you use the default name for the channel name in photoshop the swatch will automatically update it to the Pantone swatch on file in Illustrator's color book regardless of the color you picked in Photoshop manually. The issue arises when the default name is not on file (and they all won't be once Pantone color support is dropped without a subscription). In my case it was "PANTONE 2156 C". If you check the default Pantone color books in Illustrator currently this color is not included, so what happens is Illustrator reads the swatch name sees it's called a Pantone color but can't locate the book color info for it. Instead of stating the color book is missing it displays as the original swatch color and reads it as a CMYK value, but Illustrator still thinks its a Pantone color. The result when you print is whatever spot color is placed below that unidentified spot color, ie "PANTONE 2156 C" does not print. It just prints blank. If I move the ""PANTONE 2156 C" to location 2 the 3rd spot prints blank, if I move it to location 4 the 5th spot prints blank. This explains why I was seeing this happen across multiple files but in different channel locations each time. The fix is to change the unidentified Pantone color swatch color mode option to RGB, LAB or HSB mode. CMYK mode can be used for spot colors normally but not when ANY of the swatches have an official PANTONE color name in the file. For some reason naming a swatch PANTONE that is not in the existing color book on that system is defaulting it to CMYK mode and causing the following color in the file to print blank.
A quick fix by Adobe could be to default PANTONE missing colors to RGB/LAB mode for all swatches when they are missing. I really hope they can fix this before Pantone drops full support and we lose all of the official color books otherwise all previous files that used pantone colors will have this issue when trying to reprint them.
I made a video showing what I mean.
Jotham shared this idea ·
1 vote
An error occurred while saving the comment Jotham commented
I'm pretty sure this is a graphics card/driver issue. Go to edit - preferences - performance and uncheck GPU performance and see if that fixes it for you.
1 vote
An error occurred while saving the comment Jotham commented
I think you are referring to the home screen but I am not sure. Go to go edit - preferences - general and uncheck show the home screen when no documents are open.
1 vote
An error occurred while saving the comment Jotham commented
It's still there. It's jus they added a few more items to the dock so it's compressing the transform info. To get that back look for 3 dots with 3 lines on the very far right of the dock (top right of Illustrator). Click on that and then uncheck any dock items you don't need and the transform boxes should unexpand so you can see the x and y fields again.
1 vote
An error occurred while saving the comment Jotham commented
Just a guess but try going to window - workspace - reset workspace or selecting another work space. I've had this happen before and resetting my work space brought back the tool box. I think it has to do with a corrupt preferences file.
If that doesn't work try resetting your preferences file to see if that fixes it. Press and hold Alt+Control+Shift (Windows) or Option+Command+Shift (macOS) as you start Illustrator. The new preferences files are created the next time you start Illustrator.
Last resort. Re-install Illustrator.
32 votes
This problem requires an investigation, but not enough data is gathered yet to even start it.
Please provide these settings to help the team to deal with the problem:
1. The version of illustrator. OS and GPU model
2. Your color settings (a screenshot of the Color Settings dialog will do)
3. A test file with swatches which gets changed
4. A copy of this file when changes happen (if there is a difference in actual numbers swatches store)
Also, please check if the behaviour differs when you disable GPU mode and note that.
Send these to (please also provide the link to this report for tracking purposes — or share directly in the comments if you are allowed to share these files publicly.
It looks like this case is configuration specific, so if you are potentially willing to participate in the investigation of this issue by a…
An error occurred while saving the comment Jotham commented
I've never seen this happen in a live file without copying or changing color modes, so I'm actually curious to how this happening to you while only working on a live file. Does this happen if you make the color a swatch or is it only when you pick a from the color picker?
Just a guess as to what might be happening. I noticed you are working in RGB and CMYK color spaces between documents. If you happen to switch between RGB and CMYK documents it will change the color values as CMYK has a smaller color gamut. Meaning if you select an RGB value and then switch to a CMYK document or copy to it then it will convert it to CMYK values within its gamut as it can't technically show those RGB values in CMYK.
Wrong exported image size (extra pixel added) if artboard coordinates are non-integer, not pixel-perfect
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173 votesThis issue is probably happening because the artboard dimensions are not appropriate for raster export (i.e. are in decimals).
If you make x and y values as the whole numbers in the transform panel (not in decimal), then the extra pixels will not be added to the exported image.That is the workaround, and it’s reported that it’s not always the case.
At the same time — Ai knows the size of artboards to be exported and yet it does not deliver the set sizes, which is not fair. The team is going to rethink the algorithm.
An error occurred while saving the comment Jotham commented
Just installed the 23.0.3 update and the bug is still there. I've been waiting and stuck with version 2015.3 for this to be fixed. @Ashutosh Chaturvedi Do you have any update on this?
An error occurred while saving the comment Jotham commented
That only works if you aren't scaling images though. Keep everything at 72ppi and it's fine, but try outputting at say 100 or 300ppi and the 1 pixel comes back regardless of art board placement. I showed this in the video I made in the earlier link I posted. This worked in 2015.3 regardless of artboard placement. They can make this work without forcing us to move artboards to exact integers.An error occurred while saving the comment Jotham commented
Been fighting for this fix since 2015. Last stable build that doesn't have this bug is 2015.3. You can go here and vote/read about a workaround that takes FOUR times as long to save the same images as legacy export did. It's still currently under review but probably will not get fixed as it's probably more complicated than just looking back at the code for 2015.3 to see why it worked there and not now.
An error occurred while saving the comment Jotham commented
@Nitish Agarwal Even with the artboard being on a whole pixel integer I'm still getting 1 pixel added if I need to output multiple sizes from the same artboard i.e. 72ppi, 120ppi, 200ppi. 72ppi works correctly but the 120ppi and 200ppi still add the pixel regardless of artboard placement.
As you've mentioned before, if you output from "export for screens" you can manually type in the pixels you want the file (1200, 2000, etc) , but I'm finding it takes FOUR times as long to output this way vs export as (20 seconds vs 5 seconds) which severely slows down workflow as I'm having to do this on 100's of files.
Nitish please have the engineers take a look at this again as it's been nearly 3 years we've been waiting for a fix. Export as works perfectly in version 2015.3 regardless of integer placement so I'm not sure why you guys can't look back to see what the previous engineers did to fix this between 2015.2 and 2015.3 and replicate it?
An error occurred while saving the comment Jotham commented
@Ashutosh Chaturvedi Here is a video showing the bug is not fixed for either export for screens or export as. I showcased a way in where it works, which is probably why you guys thought it was fixed.
Jotham supported this idea ·
An error occurred while saving the comment Jotham commented
VERSION 22.0.0
Steps taken: File is created with artboards sized to 1200x1200 pixels and exported to jpgs with artboards selected.
Expected result: Jpgs saved at 1200x1200 pixels
Actual Result: Jpgs saved at 1201x1200 pixels or 1200x1201 pixels or 1201x1201. When exporting to jpg the file sizes are saved with 1 pixel added to width or height of page size unintentionally.
Further comments: This is a bug that has been present in Illustrator before and was corrected with the 20.1.0 version (2015.3.1 release). It has since resurfaced with version 21.0.0. (2017 release). Despite an engineer reporting it has been fixed with version 22.0 as of today I can confirm among others that it has not been fixed (see attached files). Some users have noted that you can bypass this issue by placing the artboard on a whole integer on the x and y grid, but this only works if you are not scaling the pages. If you keep it at 72 ppi for a jpg then the page will save at 1200 x 1200 but if you export it at 120 ppi it will still add a pixel and make it 2001x2000 even if the page is on a whole integer.
Please reopen this bug report and have it corrected ASAP as we have been waiting over a year for this fix. Myself and a few others have been unable to upgrade do to this issue heavily effecting our workflow.
Thank you.
An error occurred while saving the comment Jotham commented
@Ashutosh Chaturvedi Please unmark this bug as fixed. I can confirm with Volodymyr this issue is still not fixed with the new 22.0.0 update today. This issue has resurfaced with every new build of a Illustrator for several years now. The last time it was fix was with the 20.1.0 version (3 updates after it's initial build) and returned a few months later with the 2017 21.0.0 release and has yet to be fixed. This issue has made it so I have been unable to update Illustrator since 2015.3 as export jpgs is a massive part of my workflow.
5 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Jotham commented
@Brandon MacInnis Yes a remove point brush tool does somewhat work like that, Astute Graphics actually has a plugin that does something similar, but it still requires you to manually select which points you do or don't want to have effected which can be tedious at times. It also doesn't show you a preview of the line and leaves you with a curved line unless you select the last two points and remove the bezier handles just like if you did Object-->Path-->Remove Anchor Points. I've used similar tools like I am suggesting in other apps I can tell you from experience these three tools save countless hours when designing or cleaning up vectors.
Jotham shared this idea ·
113 votes
Jotham supported this idea ·
16 votes
Jotham supported this idea ·
An error occurred while saving the comment Jotham commented
I kid you not. Using Photoshop make a selection - paths - make work path works better than image trace. I just do that now and copy and paste it into illustrator when it's detailed like you've shown.
50 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Jotham commented
Pathfinder - trim does exactly what you are asking if it's vector elements. Astute graphics made a plugin that does it for raster images, but it would be nice if Adobe implemented it as well.
670 votes
We have done further updates to Dimension tool with recently released version - 28.3
You can create and use your custom scale for dimension, hide or show units on dimensions and dimensions are now sticky to the object - they transform as well when you transform the object.
Jotham supported this idea ·
32 votes
This is expected to be fixed in Beta 28.6 build 62.
An error occurred while saving the comment Jotham commented
It sounds like you want a crop tool added for raster and vector objects. What you are suggesting would not technically be a clipping mask anymore as the elements that are being clipped would be deleted which is not the purpose of a clipping mask.
For a workaround if this is a vector object you can use pathfinder - trim to essentially crop the object and then rasterize. If it's a raster image you will need to crop it in photoshop although there are plugins by astute that do what you are asking.
AI displays the START SCREEN on opening the file and the document view do not switches (refreshes) the file content.
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201 votesThank you all for reporting this issue and providing us your valuable feedback.
What we have found out so far is that this issue can happen in multiple workflows. For clear tracking, validation and closure. We will closing this thread for given below two scenarios which we believe are fixed now:
1)Double click any Ai file to launch Illustrator
2)Placing files in Illustrator via Bridge.For two other scenarios that we know of that can cause this, we have created a separate thread : .If you are encountering the below mentioned issues with latest Version (24.0.1 on Mac and Win), then please vote on newly provided User voice thread and provide Test File via File→Package, Video and steps via dropping email at along with this thread link so that we can identify and fix the root cause.
1. On opening a file in Illustrator the START SCREEN do…
An error occurred while saving the comment Jotham commented
Can confirm this happens. It appears to be an issue where the file tries to open before all the plugins load so the file opens blank as it doesn't have the plugins to render the image. I'm assuming selecting float in window refreshes the file allowing it to be rendered.
Jotham supported this idea ·
1 vote
Bryan, as per the comment, please share the test file and provide the clear reproducible steps so the team can try to replicate this on their side.
An error occurred while saving the comment Jotham commented
I would include an AI file with this one. They are going to need to be able to recreate it, especially if it only happens 1 out of 10 times. This could be something as simple as the miter limit being too high or it could be related to where the object is placed on the grid causing the issue.
58 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Jotham commented
It's because the objects are still being rendered. You can check this by viewing in outline mode (cmd/ctrl+y). What Illustrator does is use the top object as a sort of alpha mask to hide the areas visually, but they are still there. The objects would have to be deleted to not be rendered and that would defeat the purpose of a clipping mask. They could maybe code something that would hide vector objects outside of the clipping mask from smart filters/snaps but I am unsure of how that would be done.
200 votes
Jotham supported this idea ·
173 votes
We have the fix available in the latest release. Please update Illustrator using Adobe Creative Cloud application to the latest build for version Illustrator CC 23.0.
Please refer to our knowledge base FAQ – if you face difficulty in update.
Or get in touch with us at any of the other support channels – Regards,
Ashutosh Chaturvedi | Sr. Quality Engineering Manager – Illustrator
Adobe. Make It an Experience.Jotham supported this idea ·
178 votes
We have the fix available in the latest release. Please update Illustrator using Adobe Creative Cloud application to the latest build for version Illustrator CC 22.1.
Please refer to our knowledge base FAQ – if you face difficulty in update.
Or get in touch with us at any of the other support channels – Regards,
Ashutosh Chaturvedi | Sr. Quality Engineering Manager – Illustrator
Adobe. Make It an Experience.An error occurred while saving the comment Jotham commented
This might be my favorite addition in this update. I like how you guys put in the link option to increase speed if necessary. This definitely made things easier. Thank you.
Jotham supported this idea ·
@Archit Mathur
The color halftone effect is not vector, but raster. If you try and convert it to vector by live tracing it like the OP stated it comes out as irregular shape dots in the vector tracing process.
We need the ability to generate halftone dots by frequency and DPI relative to the color swatch or gradient being used in vector, so that we can expand the shape if needed and adjust if needed. The current color halftone effect does not work like that and requires numerous additional steps to get it into a semi usable vector format as the dots are not perfect.
This is currently provided by other third party plug ins and has been available for years. Here is just one example of how it works. Something like this would be leaps and bounds better than the color halftone effect as its live editable and can be converted to vector if needed.