freeform gradient tool is grayed out and not working.
I have updated Illustrator and the new freeform gradient tool is grayed out in the gradient panel. It is not usable.

Please accept my sincere apology for the inconvenience. Please get in touch with us at any of the other support channels – . Since this is not a generic issue that we can reproduce at our end, we will need someone to look into your machine to figure out what is going on here.
Andreas Föhl commented
Here is one with a false gradient, converted to Lab spot-colors and -zonk!
elif m hawkins commented
I ran into the same issue. I realized that I was working with a compound path and had to release the compound path in order for free form gradient option to become available.
I suggest you look at the shape working with and make sure it’s not a compound path.
sam__ marte commented
I hope you've been able to solve this problem already, but if you (or anyone else) haven't, I advise you to check if you have the "fill" option selected instead of "line".
I had the same problem earlier today and found this solution on a Reddit post that worked! hope this helps:)
Anonymous commented
same problem!! freeform is greyed out and only linear and radial are available.
Anonymous commented
I have the same problem where freeform is greyed out and only linear and radial are available.
Anonymous commented
not working for me either!
lauren commented
this is happening to me too! i'm so frustrated! i want to finish this project and it's all i need!!
Krystian Stafford commented
I found out the answer. Make sure that the gradient isn't selected as stroke, if you click on fill in the gradient panel then the freeform gradient tool will be working
dy commented
I'm having the same issue. I can't believe the simply things that used to work fine are now huge issues for those of us designing on a tight deadline. Sometimes I am not able to select a color within the gradient; its completely inaccessible. Other times I can drag the gradient between colors at the top, but the colors along the bottom cannot be moved along the gradient. Other times the gradient doesn't even show and the input fields are white and not accessible.
Seems to be a generic issue now that multiple people have experienced it.
Dana Christianson commented
@LM, this exact this is happing to me. Did you figure out a fix?
LM commented
The same is happening for me.
I have an object selected, I then go to 'Window>Gradient' and on the 'Gradient' tool panel I can see the three 'type' icons for 'linear,' 'radial,' and then 'freeform.' But the 'freeform' one is completely greyed out and I cannot click on it.
Also interesting/weird, when using the gradient tool panel, in the gradient slider area when I either click to add a color, or click and drag a color away- the 'freeform icon' that is greyed out above flashes for a split second to it's 'not greyed out' icon view. It's only for a flash of a second, and it doesn't do anything, it just looks glitchy.
* upon further testing, it also does the weird "glitch flash" when I click between the 'linear' and 'radial' options, and when I click between the three stroke options.
* also, when clicking between the three stroke options, the 'angle' field that allows you to change the angle of the gradient does the same "glitch flash" when clicking "Apply gradient along stroke" and "Apply gradient across stroke"