Bounding Box is larger than selected objects’ bounds, as if something else is selected
Adobe, have you seen this page.
The bounding box problem has persisted over versions, years. Extremely strange that it continues to pester even to this day. Will you ever do anything about it?

Mara, these two feel like different bug reports.
This one is about having a selection, but having the bounding box larger than the visible selection.
The other one you shared a link to, is more about having nothing selected, but still having a bounding box drawn.
While the reason can be the same, no comment prove it :(
The problem with both is that they happen randomly and no steps exist to reproduce them.How often does it happen for you, and which of two it is?
The team can try to make a setup to try and catch it, if it happens often enough at your side.I haven’t seen it in years (which is both good and bad)...
Mara commented
David Fiorini commented
That following thread was created in 2013. After many years, the "correct solution" was highlighted green, does not solve this ongoing issue.
While this may be difficult to recreate under different circumstances, Adobe should at least look into any stray bug cleanups as they continue to evolve.
This is extremely annoying, especially for me, who don't use bounding box and therefore can't see when something else gets selected until I try to transform selection. I have to watch dimensions carefully and undo a lot sometimes.