Can't finish previewing. Could not complete the requested operation.
I applied a pattern to a stroke by accident and received this error. I'm using v25.0.1 on a PC with 16 gb RAM and a dedicated graphics card.
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Alyse commented
I've been experiencing the exact same things since updating.
Prateek Gupta commented
1. High Sierra (macOS 10.13.3) with 16GB RAM.
2. While working on Illustrator It automatically convert my artwork into outline mode and showing not enough memory (RAM). -
paul commented
i use windows 10 and getting the same type of crash
Simon commented
Since upgrading from CC 21.1.0 (2017) to CC 23.0 (2019) I am getting constant memory errors, including "Can't finish previewing." and "The operation cannot complete because there isn't enough memory (RAM) available.
This issue is new to 23.0 and wasn't there in 21.1.0.
I'm on an i7 iMac 5K with 32GB RAM running Mac OS 10.14.
Going to have to downgrade back to 2017 until this issue is resolved.
Hannu Mänttäri commented
Same issue. Came out after 23.0 update. High Sierra. Mac Pro (Late 2013).
Gavin commented
I have exactly the same issue, please let me know if there is a way to fix it!
Max Chionh commented
Me too. And it is very frustrating to have to keep saving, quitting and reopening my work files.
Adam R commented
Same issue. Coming more and more frequently. Basically nothing on the artboard and same bug.
Kyle commented
Updated to Mojave. Still getting the error.
Dale commented
Updated to v23.0. Encountering same error.
Eric E. Dolecki commented
I am getting this consistently as well. I had zero problems with the previous version, but I get this about every 10 minutes using 23.0. I've tried all kinds of things (quitting all other apps, making sure scratch disks are set correctly, etc.) No avail. I think there is a significant bug here. Only solution is to quit and relaunch Illustrator.
Kyle commented
This issue also may have something to do with server access. When I'm connected to my work server, the issue persisted. After I disconnected, I haven't had the error occur even once. I'm wondering if Illustrator is looking at network access for something.
Just now, however, the same error occurred. I can only say that it took much longer for the error to occur this go-around. Still persists, though.
Kyle commented
Thanks, Anon. I'm not settling yet, we'll see if it fixes after installing Mojave. Thanks for letting me know it's still not working for you. I'll stay alert for the issue.
Anonymous commented
I'm using Mojave and the problem is the same.
"Can't preview...outline view...Crash!"
First time it happened it was "Not Enough RAM" I have 128GB.
It happens a lot while working with type. Using Latest FontAgent. -
Kyle commented
Apparently, this bug only occurs for High Sierra users. I didn't realize there was an OS update to Mojave. Fellow co-workers are telling me that error DOES NOT occur when using macOS Mojave. So I'm updating now.
Kyle commented
I've sent an email to the team describing the issue.
Kyle commented
It is not tied to a specific action. The error is recurring. I've managed to go over 40 minuted without the error, and then I'll go 5 minutes and it recurs two to three times in a row.
Jan kolar commented
Just updated to v23 and getting the same error.
Brian commented
Same issue. Started when I updated to 23.0. I can not work more the 10 min without getting this message. This is happening on macOS Mojave, Mac Pro (late 2013) AND a new iMacPro.
Jan kolar commented
Getting the same error on v23.0