illustrator v25.2.1 color profile keeps changing to emulate adobe illustrator 6.0
illustrator v25.2.1 color profile keeps changing to emulate adobe illustrator 6.0 once I set it to our teams color profile. Especially if I switch from AI to PS. Even after changing the profile in Bridge and synchronizing them.

Hi ,
The bug will be fixed when PS is upgraded to the latest version 22.3.1 . Kindly update PS to 22.3.1 and Bridge to the latest version. If the issue still happens, kindly reset your Settings in both PS and Bridge.
Aishwarya G Gadodia
Mark Allum commented
Also a bug with output profile defaulting to US SWOP when saving a PDF using a Preset.
All colour settings are in sync. (ECI CMYK). Working profile and assigned all set to ECI CMYK.
Selecting a different preset and then reselecting it resolves the issue.Huge problem for the business that strives on consistency
Lucy Hopcraft commented
Arggggg! Just uploaded to 26.0.3 Adobe Illustrator
Colour issue has reappeared! What is going on with this?
Colour display is too vibrant - pdfs of ai docs view perfectly well but the
design screen is way too vivid and saturated. Help!!!...reverted to older version - all views ok on this older version (v25.4.1)
Yesica Charry commented
El programa automáticamente se cambia al ajuste de color: "Emular Adobe Illustrator 6.0" aún cuando ya tenga otro ajuste de color, el software persiste en cambiar el perfil.
Angie commented
If you open Bridge and set and sync the settings it should sync across illustrator and photoshop.
Anonymous commented
Seriously Adobe.. what's the deal with this? Months of complaints from professionals who rely on your product to get work done and the issue is still unresolved (I, too, am constantly having to reset my color settings literally every time I switch from Photoshop to Illustrator). This is very frustrating.
QueenBea_SC commented
This issue is not fixed, although it's happening less often since updating, I am still having issues with the colour profile changing back
Lidia D. commented
Bug still NOT fixed! PLS fix it asap! THX
Anonymous commented
Trying to send a client their logo files and the colors are coming up all wrong. I see this still isn't resolved, pick it up Adobe. A lot of angry people here.
Thankfully, I reverted to the 2020 version and it worked. So, if anyone needs a quick fix, that's the sad solution.
Oleg commented
What a **** of a product!
I can't work this way. What I'm paying for? For a useless features?
Fix major bugs first! -
Angie commented
Bridge is not saving the colour settings - I keep getting messages that my colour settings are not synchronised across my creative cloud apps and have to reset Bridge all the time.
Michelle commented
Still having this problem in May! Come on Adobe!! It's still not working for me.
Heather commented
Updated to Photoshop 22.3.1 and now Illustrator behaves properly. Also updated to Bridge 11.02.123 and now my colour settings are at least syncing across my Apps.
Running Catalina 10.15.7 on a 27" iMac, BTW.
Thanks, Adobe!
Franksy commented
Same problem. Colors are muted after latest update. Working on a PC. Both Photoshop and Illustrator do not display colors correctly. I tried uninstalling Bridge and then reinstalling it, changing color profiles in Photoshop & Illustrator and the problem remains. My coworker has colors changing when viewed in Adobe Acrobat also.
David Mikal Johnson commented
Updated to Photoshop 22.3.1 and Bridge 11.02.123, set my color settings in Bridge, and now Illustrator behaves properly. To restate: I updated 2 applications so that a 3rd application would work like it's supposed to.
RogerInLondon commented
Latest round of updates seems to have fixed it for me.
ii commented
hi admin,
I have the same problem here and I updated photoshop to 22.3.1, it don't work
Brad Fischer commented
For those still experiencing the issue, if you haven't tried resetting your Settings in Bridge first, try that and see if it does anything for you.
Brad Fischer commented
The release notes for 22.3.1 don't mention this issue. Maybe it should be?
Mariella commented
No solution. I upgraded to the latest version of photoshop (22.3.1 as suggestued) but nothing has changed. The bug is not fixed at all. Please try to do better! MacOS Catalina
Michelle commented
latest upgrade to PS 22.3.1 resolved the issue for me. Thank you Engineering team.