Jagged artefacts on edges of objects with gradient fills or transparency
Revisiting a Logo Artwork that I did last year (created using V.24x), the artwork has now changed ... there are jagged lines around the edges of shapes that were filled with transparency gradients. (see pic 1) This is not due to any extra nodes; the underlying geometry is the same (see pic 2).
If I use 'Flatten Transparency' it solves the jagged lines, but adds extra 'blocks' in the corners (see pic 3). This is not something that used to happen.
This is not multiple objects stacked, so can't Ungroup and it isn't a compound path so I can't Release.
Using Illustrator V.25.2.3
On Mac OS 11.4
Screenshot 2022-05-24 at 08.23.47.png 1358 KB -
スクリーンショット 2022-01-18 11.21.37.png 502 KB -
Bildschirmfoto 2021-08-16 um 11.09.06.png 160 KB -
Bildschirmfoto 2021-08-16 um 11.07.59.png 534 KB -
Bildschirmfoto 2021-08-16 um 11.07.17.png 407 KB -
Pic 3 2021-05-30 at 13.01.55.png 95 KB -
Pic 2 2021-05-30 at 12.55.07.png 117 KB -
Pic 1 2021-05-30 at 12.54.30.png 163 KB -
Screenshot 2021-04-30 at 10.44.26 AM.png 911 KB -
Test source.ai 223 KB -
detail.png 191 KB -
Screenshot 2021-01-13 at 16.09.27.png 71 KB -
Logo Curvo Frente Maquina.ai_ @ 33,33% (CMYK_GPU Preview) 2020-07-14 02-41-45.mp4 8272 KB -
Capturar_1.JPG 42 KB -
Screen_Shot_2018-04-24_at_2.06.07_PM.png 92 KB

I am happy to share that we have fixed this bug in our latest release – 26.3.1 which is available worldwide now.
Going forward, our goal is to fix as many top User-Voice bugs as possible and as frequently as possible. Given the nature of the fixes, some of the bugs will take a longer time to fix, but we are on it.
You can update to the latest release using Creative Cloud desktop App: https://helpx.adobe.com/in/creative-cloud/help/creative-cloud-updates.html
Thank you for all the feedback. Keep it coming!
Ralitsa Ruseva commented
In the latest version of Illustrator 25.4.1 the gradient preview appears broken. The same file opened in the lower 2019 version of Illustrator does not have this problem.
GPU issue. Please send the file and your GPU specs to sharewithai@adobe.com
For now you can switch it off and work in CPU mode. -
Anonymous commented
When ever i change my shape to outline or trim it with pathfinder, There is always some weird shapes inside it. Anyone experiencing this?...
Anonymous commented
When ever i change my shape to outline or trim it with pathfinder, There is always some weird shapes inside it. Anyone experiencing this?
DM commented
Hi Egor,
you're right.Disabling the preview the problem disappear.
However doing this Illustrator is slow and almost unusable. -
As a workaround, try to disable GPU Preview
DM commented
Creating shapes whose edges are perfectly aligned and then setting "no stroke" and uniform fill color works as expected with 100% opacity.
With different transparency results in strange artifacts on the edges.
The attached screenshot shows the problem and the example file is the source (bottom right shape in "Test source.ai").MacMini M1 2020
macOS 11.2.1
Illustrator 25.2 -
Verena Roth commented
Have the same issue, is there a solution to the problem in the meantime?
Using AI 2021 on macOS Big Sur (11.1) - iMac 5k (mid 2015) - AMD Radeon R9 M290 2GB -
Serge Malevanny commented
Mac OS Mojave 10.14.6 (18G7016), GPU Nvidia GeForce GT 775M, Illustrator v 25.1
With GPU Performanse selected i have an issiue with transparent objects containing concave curves. It doesn't matter if object have gradient or color fill, just any filled object with opacity less than 100. Any concave curve being doubled with line-like artifacts shown on attached image
If you have the file saved (or you can reproduce the behavior), please send it over sharewithai@adobe.com with 'GPU issue' topic, to help the team to investigate it.
Anonymous commented
Strange artifacts appear when curving a path.
Problem only in "GPU Preview" mode -
bernardo gomez commented
when I "transparent" overlay two vector objects, the art appears jagged as shown in attached. I've tried cmyk and RGB. I am using most recent OS, High Sierra 10.13.4