Width tool started work weird after update 27.9
After this update, width tool on closed shapes instead of acting like they are shapes with continuous edges, it cuts the width at a point.
I use width tool a lot and this is problematic.
Oh and in some cases width point not showing.

The bug is fixed in the latest public release 28.0.
Please check and reply back if it now works as expected.
Tommaso commented
Hi, I've a problem whit Trajan Color font, I can't convert a text layer to an editable shape (by selecting Type > Convert to Shape), characters from OpenType-SVG fonts will revert to their black-and-white fallback style.
I follow the guide but I can't.
Veronika Vonderbank commented
Cannot select multiple objects holding shift key. Cannot drag and copy with alt key any longer. Cannot de-select drawing of a line any longer. Alt key not working since upgrade. OS upgraded at the same time. Help!!!
Creadora Dora commented
Illustrator creates continuous issues while creating text to vector beta
Katarina Jovanovic commented
@egor Thank you for taking time Egor. Appreciated
I see what you mean.
No, there is no way to allow sharp transitions with this tool (unlike Curvature tool can do for the paths).
Yes, this is a thing we definitely need.
The workaround exist, and it’s an ugly one: if you place two width markers very close to each other, Ai will have to make the transition almost sharp. If you zoom in or expand though, it looks very ugly and is a mess.
Another way I prefer using — art brushes. But editing them interactively is impossible (therefore I once made this request — https://illustrator.uservoice.com/forums/333657-illustrator-desktop-feature-requests/suggestions/44725501-edit-a-brush-like-a-symbol-on-canvas)Let me make a proper feature request out of it :) Please upvote — https://illustrator.uservoice.com/forums/333657-illustrator-desktop-feature-requests/suggestions/47343821-allow-to-make-sharp-transitions-using-width-tool
Katarina Jovanovic commented
Hey Egor. Markers are placed as expected, no issue there. Seems like there is no bumps and indents as previously.
The only thing I mind is unnecessary curving. Maybe its me (not fully understanding the math lol), but is there a way to maintain straight shrinkage? -
@Katarina, nah, it’s OK, this inside loop is expected.
Look at how it was in CS6 (mind the roughness that is getting smoothed out now).
Illustrator has to make this loop inside to respect your chosen width, and connect it smoothly with other markers... everything’s fair.But do you notice the problem reported previously? The inability to place another marker, when one is placed on a closed path? a sharp step at the first point? Please look at the attached GIFs — do you see anything like this now?
Katarina Jovanovic commented
I am on windows 10 Pro build
Katarina Jovanovic commented
I am sorry but it seems its not. It still behaves oddly with closed shapes
Designer Here commented
Hey, it is working now.
Wes Rand commented
Still seeing this here as well
Designer Here commented
I checked the last beta 28.1 but still width tool is bugged.
Ton commented
Yes, see also
https://community.adobe.com/t5/illustrator-discussions/i-can-t-reedit-closed-path-with-width-tool-and-not-show-width-tool-handle-in-path/m-p/14112124#M381839 -
Designer Here commented
Any update about it please?
I confirm that.
It feels like it’s somehow related to smooth points. If I apply a variable width to an ellipse — I no longer can add width markers or edit existing ones. If I convert a live shape to a path — nothing changes, it is still immune and broken. Removing a point does not help, and the starting/ending point indeed has a sharp transition.
Changing a profile for a rectangle works fine... but if you convert all points to smooth ones — it breaks if you want to modify it! If you convert points to smooth one by one instead — it does not! This is a disaster! -
Designer Here commented
I noticed i forgot to say, you can't edit or add new width points to any closed shape strokes too. And this is the same for beta 28.1 too.
At the moment width tool is practically unusable unless it is an open line