Ilustrator needs to have the option to use Animated Zoom in Outline Mode
When you switch to outline mode (Ctrl-Y) you immediately go back to the outdated and incredibly frustrating marquee-zoom tool instead of the new and much more efficient Animated Zoom tool to click and drag to zoom. Incredible program, but this is by far one of the most annoying and "I-want-to-rip-my-hair-out" features.
We have the fix available in the latest release. Please update Illustrator using Adobe Creative Cloud application to the latest build for version Illustrator CC 23.0.
Please refer to our knowledge base FAQ – if you face difficulty in update.
Or get in touch with us at any of the other support channels –
Warm Regards,
Ashutosh Chaturvedi | Sr. Quality Engineering Manager – Illustrator
Adobe. Make It an Experience.
Шоалим Шоабзалов commented
(Google Translate) Based on the above, that the GPU in outline mode only works on monitors with a resolution of more than 2000 pixels in height or width, I tried to artificially bypass this ridiculous limitation. The only thing you need is to have more than 2000 pixels in width or height when entering the illustrator program, so that illustrator fixes that you have a suitable monitor, after that you can switch to your original / native resolution and continue working with any documents until the program is closed, in in my case it is 1920x1080 (only 80 pixels is not enough to 2000, seriously Adobe? 90% of the world's population uses this resolution, why not set this limit to 1920 pixels so that 90% of people do not suffer with this limitation, they couldn't think of anything smarter, except that everyone lacked 80 pixels to get rid of this misunderstanding, ingenious Adobe, ingenious). Resolution higher than native usually cannot be selected, but discrete GPUs have such a function in the driver settings. there is DSR (Dynamic Super Resolution) technology on the nvidia GPU, use it or an analogue from AMD, enable it in the driver settings and select resolutions of more than 2000 pixels, go to Illustrator, after entering you can return to the original resolution, animated scaling in outline mode will still work in Illustrator. This must be done before each entry into Illustrator, but after entry everything will work with any documents until you close the program.
I made a short video with instructions: -
Fasih Khan commented
I don't know why this feature has been disabled. Under performance section if GPU is enabled. the smooth animated zoom does not work in outline preview mode. There must be some option so we can enable it or make it default. -
Justin commented
Illustrator should have the option to use Animated/Scrubby Zoom in Outline Mode to improve workflow and not have to switch to the inferior zoom to selection tool.
Anonymous commented
same same, no difference, I am sorry for it is rude but it's truth, I need to pay every month to accept this incontinent bug over 2 years. Please fix it asap.
Anonymous commented
I'm also getting two different zoom behaviors depending on which mode I'm currently in (Preview or Outline). It's a very annoying bug that is definitely still present in Illustrator 24.2
Anonymous commented
Updated to Illustrator CC 2020 (24.0) two days ago and using scrubby zoom is not working in Outline mode. Normal mode is working just fine.
'GPU Performance' is enabled along with 'Animated Zoom'
Anonymous commented
Works for me. Have you got GPU active?
Wa commented
@ADMIN Ashutosh Chaturvedi: This has NOT been fixed in Illustrator 23.0.2 (the latest release as of Mar 4, 2019). -
Anonymous commented
I'm getting two different behaviors of zoom. When I'm in GPU i get scrubby zoom. When I'm in outline I get zoom to selection. I'm on the latest illustrator CC with auto updates and windows 10 (non insider)
Alex Grant commented
I would really, really like the option to turn off animated zoom in outline mode. I really prefer the marquee zoom and would be a much happier user if I could toggle it in the preferences. Thanks!
Anonymous commented
@Qwertworks uncheck Preferences/Performance/Animated Zoom
Qwertworks commented
Is there an option to switch between these two zoom methods? Because I actually like the marquee zoom tool. I find it very efficient in zooming in and out very fast.
nicky commented
@Nitish Agarwal (Illustratore Team)
1. Reduce the track thickness display in outline / GPU view
2. Assign a keyboard command to the new bleed view. W button
3. Enable Smart Guides in bleed view
4. Increase zoom levels above 64,000%. The sò has just been increased, but for the precision of the design sometimes 64,000% is not enough -
Hans commented
The problem is that effects are ON i outline mode, you just can't see them. I have no idea why. If you have an objects with let's say a heavy gaussian blur to it and you ty to scale it in outline mode, the effect is still loading even if you can't see it. It doesn't make any sense.
Willy Loor commented
When I'm working on a document and if I change to Outline mode the program is unable to zoom out and becomes unresponsive, to the point that I need to close the file and open it again. After I do that the file works again but the dynamic zoom feature no longer works and reverts to how the zoom feature used to work on previous versions.
Anonymous commented
Outline mode is currently unbearably slow for some configurations. There are many related threads and it seems Adobe is admitting the issue and working on an indirect fix (adding animated zoom to preview-mode, which requires adding GPU-acceleration as well).
Been going on for more than a year! Happens on latest mbPro, iMac, iMac Pro, etc…
Only workaround afaik: finder > > right click > open in low-res mode. Looks like ****, but works fine even on a 5K external display.
Collin commented
Looks like you guys need a visit from Don Norman and Jakob Nielson! Usability is a tad flawed wouldnt you say —after 20 iterations of illustrator... Time to get it right! Why does Astute Graphics have to create plugins to solve these standard usability issues.
Collin commented
The outline preview in general is just terribly slow. Wouldnt their be a way to improve redraws as you scroll around and zoom in and out of screen? Im using a $3k usd imac. Illustrator was faster 15 years ago.
Herman van Boeijen commented
(most helpful comment of the day)