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Illustrator (Desktop) Bugs

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337 results found

  1. Lineal nach Zeichenflächenänderung von Hoch- zu Querformat nicht angepasst

    Windows 10,
    Illustrator 25.0 (64bit).

    Ich habe ein neues Dokument erstellt in A3. Danach habe ich die Zeichenfläche von Hochformat auf Querformat gestellt, indem ich doppelt auf die Zeichenfläche im Zeichenflächenwerkzeug klicke und das Symbol für Querformat anklicke, danach okay. Die Zeichenfläche wurde gedreht.
    Nun wollte ich Hilfslinien als Rahmen einfügen und habe dazu das Lineal eingeblendet. Ich erwartete, dass das Lineal anzeigt, dass links oben meiner Zeichenfläche sowohl x als auch y 0 ist. Das Lineal hat sich jedoch nicht mitgedreht und die 0 liegt außerhalb meiner Zeichenfläche, nämlich genau dort, wo es länge, wenn die Zeichenfläche im Hochformat…

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  2. Transform panel shows different size from artboard

    Using Illustrator 2021. Artboard is 60 x 60 cm, my illustration shows in the transform panel as 600 x 600cm. Please help. When I change my art in the transform panel to to 60cm it make it 6cm on my artboard.

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  3. Impossible de travailler sur mon espace de travail

    Bonjour j'utilise un macbook pro 16'. J'observe une incapacité à travailler sur mon plan de travail depuis sa mise a jour.

    Dès que je veux utiliser le pinceau ou même écrire sur le plan de travail, il disparait et devient une grande page blanche. Urgent.

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  4. Alignement of neighboring objects

    Hi, when I used to move my objects on artboard, there used to be lanes and alignments automatically showing me when two objects on the artboard are in alignment with a green line. However, I can't see that feature anymore, it just happened since yesterday. very frustrating. Is this a bug, or is this due to some settings issue?

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  5. Artboards and arrowheads disappear

    Mac OSX 10.13.6 Illustrator 24.0 Creative Cloud
    Opened a file
    strokes with arrowheads to be strokes and artboards that were present when the file was closed to still be there.
    Strokes were dropped to shapes and grouped and the artboards were gone.

    I've seen this before and I can't figure out why it's happening. I have a file that I just worked in a few days ago and now when I open it, all the strokes I had with arrowheads are broken down into a shape for the line and a shape for each arrowhead and then the whole thing…

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  6. alt drag art boards not working STILL

    this is still not working. Now and again it does, then it doesn't again. It doesnt' copy the art board.
    I can't see how to even check on my previous but reports, or find other ones I've voted for, I don't understand this process. Please will you fix it?

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  7. Select all artboards

    With the Artboard tool selected, choosing Select > All selects not only the artboards, but all of the artwork—even artwork outside of the artboards.

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  8. Guides not scaling correctly on copy/paste into large canvas

    If I copy a 5"x5" rectangle from a regular document and paste it to a large canvas document, it remains 5"x5", as expected.

    However, if I convert the same shape to a guide and then copy it from a regular document to a large canvas document, the guide becomes 50"x50". This really makes things difficult when copying guides and artwork together into a large canvas.

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  9. Shifting decimal

    Not sure really where this lies. And it doesn't seem to have any other affect that I am aware of, but this just started with the latest upgrade - 24.3.

    I typically select an outlined piece of text and copy it then create a new document that is a couple of inched bigger and paste it in. I do this when I am creating production files for large-format kiss cut vinyl production.

    What I have been doing is selecting the text then referring to the dimensions when I create the new file for output. However, today I noticed that when…

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  10. Align/Distribute issue (v.24.2.3)

    I've seen that this is claimed that it is fixed on a previous update, but I have the latest (24..2.3) and still have issues.

    4 text layers in a 2nd level subgroup
    Selection of three out of four layers and the Align/Distribute is working as expected (align to Selection selected)
    Selection of all four layers (or group layer) and the Tool isn't working on 'Align to Selection' basis. It's working correctly as 'Align to Artboard'

    How am I supposed to align all layers in a Group? The only workaround is to align all layers but one and then…

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  11. Blank pop-up window appears after opening an .ai file

    Currently running:
    macOS Catalina v. 10.15.6
    iMac 27"
    3.2 GHz Quad-Core Intel Core i5
    32 GB 1600 MHz DDR3 Memory
    NVIDIA GeForce GT 755M 1GB Graphics card

    Everytime I open an .ai file a blank dialog box appears with nothing on it except for the close/minimize buttons on the top left. I'm able to close the box out and view my work but this happens every time I open a file. Also attached a screen shot as well as spindump of Adobe Illustrator.

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  12. Freezing when selecting multiple artboards

    Windows 10 Ver.2004 (build 19041.421)
    Illustrator Ver 24.2.1

    1. Make multiple artboards
    2. Select two artboards

    This operation freezes the operation of Illustrator.

    This problem does not occur in Ver.23.1 and 22.1.

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  13. Smart Guides buggy at artboard corners

    When resizing snapping shapes or objects, Illustrator smart guides alert user that object is being snapped to corner or intersect, however it isn't actually, and it's not until you zoom right in that you realise it hasn't.

    Snap to Pixel is turned off. Smart Guides are turned on.
    There is no 'anchor' at that location other than the Artboard Edge.

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  14. Workspaces not working

    So, when i downloaded AI for the first time with under v24.2.1, i opened AI and then when i want to opened file or made a new project ... the landing page is still there while the file opened, how to fix this problem?

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  15. during creation of new document is lacking with centimeters or millimeters in the drop down menu

    during creation of new document is lacking with centimeters or millimeters in the drop down menu, please add or fix the bug, thanks

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  16. Can't create artboard from rectangle - Illustrator 24.2

    That's all. It says that it can't create artoboards from rotated rectangles or masks. It's a freshly created rectangle.

    This version of AI seems to be very buggy.

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  17. Artboard Missing

    When I open the saved file, I find my artboards missing. The weird part is it saves my work. So every time I open the file I have to create new artboards for the layout I had done.
    Attached Adobe Files consists of 2 layouts:
    Page 1: Original Layout
    Page 2: When I re-open the file. I find all the artboards missing except for a default artboard.

    Very frustrating to recreate the artboards every time.


    Mahesh Sutar

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  18. Values of artboard differes from the values on control panel in artboard mode

    1. Create big artboard 5 meter in Normal Mode
    2. Activate Increase Cavas Mode
    3. Activate artboard mode
    4. Enlarge artboard up to maximal size 57 meter with dragging handels
    5. The values in control panel are in METERS while in properties panel they are in INCH

    Expected result: The must be in the same measuraments value. In METRS as I have choose METERS

    It happens when I create artbord after first run.

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  19. Snap to grid doesn't work in new documents

    Snap to grid doesn't work at all in new documents. It works with no issues whatsoever in old files, but whenever I create a new one, nothing snaps to grid. I tried restarting, didn't work, and the software is up to date. Any help would be appreciated.

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  20. artboard/canvas will not center; confined to top left corner

    Artboard snapping to top left corner of window- zoomed at 67%;
    snapped to right of window at 100%

    Following your post instructions ....

    1. On Windows 10 latest; Adobe Illustrator latest (on cloud) -
    2. Believe I was scrolling the canvas - may have zoomed out
    3. Expect canvas to reduce and stay centered
    4. Canvas snapped to top left and when I zoomed back to 100 % it snapped initially to top right

    Please fix (it has happened a few times) - thank you

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