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Illustrator (Desktop) Bugs

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349 results found

  1. create new

    nothing comes up with create new file, need to use create new file from template all the time.

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  2. 作成したガイドレイヤーを削除すると、消えずに増える

    1. macOS(Mojave 10.14.6) Illustrator2021(25.2.3)およびIllustrator2018頃から 2.レイヤーパネル上で作成されたガイドレイヤーを削除。 (この時のガイドレイヤーは同一環境で作成された.Aiデータの場合も、別環境で作成された.Aiデータの場合も含みます。また、削除に関してもレイヤーパネル下部ボタンでの削除、キーボードのdeleteを使用した場合どちらも含みます。)
    2. ガイドレイヤーが、通常のレイヤー同様に削除される。
    3. ガイドレイヤーは削除されず、何も描画されていないように見える空のレイヤー(レイヤー名はガイドレイヤー)が複製される。元の削除操作を行ったレイヤーは複製されたレイヤー同様に何も描画されていないように見える空のレイヤーになる。再度、複製されたレイヤーと元の削除したいレイヤーをレイヤーパネル上でまとめて選択し削除すると通常通りに消える。
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    Need More Info  ·  PCM Maro responded


    Illustrator にはガイドレイヤーという機能がございません。

    Illustrator チーム

  3. Artboard and acrobat trim box


    This file has an artboard size of 10mm in illustrator, yet when opened in acrobat the trim box shows as 10.283mm rather than 10mm. Why is this?
    Many Thanks
    Paul W

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  4. Copy/Paste from AI to PS or ID scales object to 1/10

    My typical design process involves creating an AI document with multiple artboards, sometimes dozens, so that I can experiment with several options and iterations on those options. With the latest versions of CC, copying a vector object and pasting into either PS or ID ends up scaling that object down to a tenth the size of the original. I've recently been made aware that AI might create a larger pasteboard to accommodate the number of artboards, but I'm unsure why that would have an affect on the scale of a vector object. I keep all my raster and resolution settings…

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  5. inconsistent covert to artboard

    If I attempt tp select a pattern inner boundry to convert to an artboard it doesn't always work. In fact I have to keep tapping it like some secret atari code and maybe it only takes 2 min or maybe it never happens and I have to turn off the computer before I smash it. Please make the conversion to an artboard easier, or at least make it easier to export patterns into a file for use elsewhere. Right now you have 100s of different ways to do it and they each have a problem. This was the best way,…

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  6. Artboards not visible in list

    I have 3 artboards...but only one shown in the list.
    See screenshot, systemInfo.txt and AI file.
    Export for Screens also lists one artboard.

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  7. Align Left Not working, AI 25.2.1, Mac OSX 15.7

    Align Left Not working with large and/or many grouped objects.

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  8. illustrator2021 artboard

    If you open another version (CC2019, etc.) in illustrator2021, the X-axis and / or Y-axis of the artboard will shift by about 0.0001 (fractions will appear).
    I would like you to teach me some good solutions or improve them.

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  9. If computer or illustrator crashes, when reopening recovered files all linked images are missing.

    If illustrator crashes or computer crashes when reopening illustrator, the linked files are all missing. A dialogue box says something like "Can't find missing file "." . . " as it would normally do if a linked file was moved out of the original folder. However, rather than the original filename showing between the "speech marks" all you get is a full stop/period "." and all linked files are missing. If you save the file that file then it will always have the items missing and there is now indication of what the file is in the linked files panel…

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  10. Ich kann kein leeres neues Dokument mehr anlegen.

    Seit der neuen Version, ist es wohl nicht mehr möglich ein simples neues Dokument anzulegen. Ich habe es auf jeden Fall so schnell nicht gefunden und finde diese Verkomplizierung unverständlich. Stattdessen meldet sich hier Adobe Stock mit diversen Vorlagen. Wieso dieser Weg. Im Vordergrund müsste doch erst einmal die eigene Kreativität stehen, bevor man sich vielleicht von irgendwem inspirieren lässt.

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  11. Missing canvas

    I used basically every option just to check if that'll help. I have no idea what I've done, it just disappeared when I was trying to delete all selections. It's still the same after restarting the program. Pls help. ;-;

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  12. New Document dialog box text fields - highlighting of text fails consistently

    1. Illustrator 25.2.1 (64-bit) on Windows 10 Home

    2. Selecting the 'Create New' button on home screen (without no documents opened).

    3. When configuring the document on the right pane of the New Document dialog box, I expect to be able to (consistently) select text (e.g. width and height values) in the text fields by doing a press-and-drag to highlight it on the right pane of the dialog box.

    4. However, I wasn't able to highlight the text in the New Document dialog box. Instead, I have to press Backspace on the keyboard to delete the default before I can change them. Several tests…

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  13. Bounding Box changing sizes from entering it in to viewing it in PROPERTIES

    Hi, when I create a bounding box for a part of a vehicle wrap to be 52" x 98" or any size then view the size in properties it changes the size by minute amounts. Please see attached. Please note we are running on Mac OS Big Sur 11.2.1 and Illustrator 25.2.

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  14. Problem with Large Illustrator files when copying files to a new document

    We work with physically large files like 200+ inches wide for vehicle wraps, full wall wraps etc. When I break them down with a mask to the size out printer uses. For taking a graphic from 200" file making the mask at 26" and wanting to place it in a new 52" document so I can blow it up to 200% of it's original size. I get the following message and then it changes the size from 26" to 25.1006" which isn't the size I originally started with then I get a message "Artwork exceeds the canvas bounds and…

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  15. Opening a v.24 file with v.25.2 illustrator doesn't work properly.

    I have to go ''file'' then ''open'' and after a long period of time (way longer than usual) it opens the files. If I click directly on file icon: it says corrupted file.

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  16. Can't see the window with all the parameters when I create a new document

    When I create a new document, I can't see the window with all the parameters (name, size, etc...) So I just can't create a new document! All I can do is open an old document, save a copy and erase everything to work in this document... I restarted my computer, installed the new version 25.2, nothing.

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  17. Unités de mesure


    Il y'a un bug dans les unités de mesure.
    Lorsque nous créons un espace de travail de 1000 x 1000 mm celui-ci une fois exporté en Pdf fait 100 x 100 mm. Les unités par défauts sont indiquées en cm plutôt que mm et la conversion n'est as bonne.

    Merci par avance

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  18. Erratic Behaviour When Selecting Large Amounts of Outlined Text

    When I select large amounts of outlined copy - 200+ words - all of a sudden my screen display is very erratic (see attached images - these are all shot from the same file it flickers like that until I deselect the copy).

    This has not happened in the past (this is something I have been doing on a regular basis for almost eight years now).

    The text is all outlined. The document size is 38x58 inches. It happens with or without layers (the document has 3 layers and the art is on the bottom layer).

    It does not happen…

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  19. Smart Guides Confusion

    Akıllı kılavuzlar, çalışma yüzeyleri dışındaki nesnelerden etkilenmemelidir. Nesneleri gereksiz nesnelerle hizalamaya çalışır.

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  20. Get this resizing issue resolved ASAP please

    I have installed the new AI product via cloud services....I can't resize any documents at all.

    Please raise this very high as I'm sure it's effecting many cloud based users.

    Notification woud be great.


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