Illustrator (Desktop) Bugs
When reporting a bug, please provide a detailed description with the following:
- Details of your operating system
- The version of Adobe Illustrator (desktop)
- The steps you were taking when you experienced the issues
- Your expected result and the actual result
- Upload your Illustrator file or a video (screen recording or gif, this helps us most to reproduce the issue and resolve it)
39 results found
Pressing Ctrl + Win sends the active object backward
If you have at least 2 objects on the artboard and the top one is selected, pressing Control + the Windows key on Windows 10 sends the active object backward one step. It's a keyboard shortcut that doesn't appear to be editable in Keyboard Shortcuts in case it interferes with that shortcut being used for something else.
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fix 'sticky' text boxes within sublayers
Fire up Illustrator 22.0 or 22.1 and create a new document.
Select the Text tool and draw a rectangular area. Fill it with placeholder text. Select the Rectangle tool and draw a filled rectangle (non-overlapping, though it doesn't matter).
Double click some word in the text box and start typing. Then in the Layers panel, click the 'select art' square corresponding to the filled rectangle. The rectangle becomes selected and the text box is deselected and all is good and well.
Deselect everything, hilight the rectangle and textbox objects in the Layers panel, and "Collect in New Layer". This puts…
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Layer duplication
I have asked why JavaScript was not showing a layer that I know exists here:
Working with Thom Parker it was determined that the failure to show a layer was due to multiple layers. In that thread, I discuss a work around that prevents Illustrator from creating multiple layers such that only single layer instances are saved and thus JavaScript shows and hides layers.
Previously, when adding a PDF as a graphic element to FrameMaker or InDesign I would get a "Layers don't match" error. This had no effect and so I never looked into it, until now…
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Missing diacritical marks in layer names
CONCERNS POLISH SPEAKERS: I have found a bug in the layer panel: when naming layers, some diacritical marks are omitted (the problem does not occur in the layer palette options - there you can name layers using all the necessary diacritical marks).
[WINDOWS 10 / AI 2024–2025]1 vote -
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problème de copier/coller d'objet sur les calques non verrouillés
pourquoi illustrator veut toujours coller les objets sur le calque vérrouillé ou invisible ? Cela n'arrivait pas avant la dernière mise à jour de Illustrator. Avant, je copiais collais sur le calque sélectionné (les autres étant verrouillés) sans souci. Maintenant cela m'affiche un pop up qui me demande si je veux déverrouiller le calque ou afficher le calque correspondant . Si je clique NON, le collage ne se fait pas, si je clique OUI, il se colle sur le calque d'en dessous qui est verrouillé, voir même invisible. Pourtant, Je suis bien positionné sur un claque déverrouillé et qui est…
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Using a # in layer name and saving as SVG does not properly save layer names
In the newest Adobe Illustrator version 28.4.1 when naming a layer with the # and saving as an SVG the export file when opened does not include the # in the layer name. This has never been an issue in previous illustrator versions, and for the work I do I rely on that naming convention to work with the system we integrate SVGs with. I've had to downgrade to a previous version where this does not occur.
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The layers of my project have disappeared
The fact is that I was working and when performing an action, all the layers of my workbench were deleted. Neither cntl + Z, nor file recovery, nor the files in data to recover a past version help me.
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Layers turned off on open of previously saved file
When opening a previously saved file, multiple groups across artboards have their visibility turned off when they are active at save point.
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unwanted layer merge
Computer 1 creates a file with 4 layers (Print, reg marks, thru-cut, crease)
Computer 2 opens file and all layers have been merged onto 1 single layer. In fact the other layers don't even exist anymore. Also everything in the merged layer has a clipping mask over it?
Yet when computer 1 opens the file again all the layers are still there.Same versions of illustrator on computers 1 & 2.
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Moving deletes all layers
If i try to move layers it deletes all the layers on illustrator
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Quitte inopinément
Avec le système monterey sur un iMac neuf et récent ainsi que sur iPad M1 neuf, l’appli quitte à la moindre action dès lors qu il y a plusieurs calques. Impossible de travailler professionnellement comme avant. Il s’agit peut-être d’une incompatibilité système et nécessite une mise à jour d’urgence.
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moving a path to an invisible group still enables me to edit
Hi, I was painting a path with the blob brush, then i decided to paint a new path on top of the other one and i didnt want to join with the original, so I moved the original to an invisible group and proceeded to paint the new path, for my surprise the original in the invisible group joined with the new path, I don't see this like a feature.
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Creating n number of characters in layer panel
Creating n number of characters in layer panel after duplication when using the unit as XML
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Collapsing layers
1) when Alt + click on layer, only the TOPMOST sublayer is collapsed. The rest of the sublayers remain expanded
2) The REAL bug is that when I collapse all layers, save, close, and reopen, ALL LAYERS AND SUBLAYERS ARE AUTOMATICALLY EXPANDED!!! It should remember the state of ALL layers, without regard to whether it is a sublayer or not. The USER COMMUNITY have been asking for a fix to this for at least 10 years!
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Locked Layers No Longer Safe?
I have the lock icon turned on, pull up Blob Brush or Text or any other tool, locked layers below still active. HELP!!
Layers also active when I turn them off completely (no eye icon).
Really need help, slowing down workflow a lot1 vote -
OS10.13.6 — Illustrator 24.1.2: Paste does NOT remember layers. Oddly, the same thing happened with another upgrade about 1-2 years ago.
OS10.13.6 — Illustrator 24.1.2: Paste does NOT remember layers. Oddly, the same thing happened with another upgrade about 1-2 years ago.
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Cut and paste doesn't paste to the selected object any more
Tricky to describe but if I want to quickly get an item to the back of my object stack within a layer, I would normally "cut" with Ctrl-X, selected the background object (say a big rectangle of colour you're using as the bg) then hit "paste" with Ctrl V. It would then paste this object on top of the selected object and behind everything else...
Now it just pastes on top of everything regardless of which object you have highlighted. Strangely, "paste in place" with Ctrl-F will place the object on top of the highlighted background object as I want…
0 votes
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