Illustrator (Desktop) Bugs
When reporting a bug, please provide a detailed description with the following:
- Details of your operating system
- The version of Adobe Illustrator (desktop)
- The steps you were taking when you experienced the issues
- Your expected result and the actual result
- Upload your Illustrator file or a video (screen recording or gif, this helps us most to reproduce the issue and resolve it)
38 results found
'Send to current layer' command is disabled when art across several layers is selected
I don't understand why it's limited, I can't see logic behind that, so I put it in Bugs, rather then Ideas.
See, I have some stuff in different layers. I select it, choose a layer, press a hotkey, I intend to collect it all in the selected layer, but nothing happens. WHY?
I have 'Collect in new layer' in Palette menu, but I have no hotkey for it (you guys do everything with mouse? really?) and i don't need a NEW layer, I need existing and selected one, and I have a command for it — ''Send to current layer'…
16 votesI am happy to share that we have fixed this bug in our latest release – 27.0.0 which is available worldwide now.
Going forward, our goal is to fix as many top User-Voice bugs as possible and as frequently as possible. Given the nature of the fixes, some of the bugs will take a longer time to fix, but we are on it.
You can update to the latest release using Creative Cloud desktop App:
Thank you for all the feedback. Keep it coming!
Ankit Goyal
Illustrator Team
Layer's options display 'Dim Images' turned on when it's off
- Go to Layer Options
- Enable 'Template' option
- Uncheck 'Dim Images to' option
- Hit OK
- Go to Layer Options again
- 'Dim Images' is on by itself, despite I turned it off in step 3
10 votesThe issue is no longer happening in Ai Beta
Layers’ colors get messed up when moving objects in and out of sublayers
When moving an artwork onto another layer the indicator-color changes as expected. If the new layer however is nested in another layer, and the artwork is moved from the nested layer onto the parent layer, the indicator color remains the nested layers color.
This can be fixed, by closing and opening the childview of the parent layer.
Also this does not apply, if the artwork is moved directly onto the layer and not between existing artworks on that layer.01 - Artwork is moved onto a new layer
02 - New layer is nested in an parent layer
03 -…8 votes -
Hiding a layer doesn't hide the guides
Since the Update 27.5 of Illustrator CC all guides oaf any file are showing whether or not their parent layer is visible or not. In my Graphic template i have a base layer for guides of different target sizes, areas and columns which are organized on named layers for each type of guides to easily show/hide them.
since the the last update (27.5 AI on macOS) ALL guides are showing up whether or not the layer containing these guides is hidden or shown which results in showing all guides for 4, 5 and 6 column layouts as well as all…7 votesA configuration modification has fixed this problem. It may take up to 24 hours for your Illustrator to show the changes resulting from this update.
Bringing object forward with (Ctrl + ] ) nudges left/right instead of bringing forward.
There is an Illustrator bug I have previously and am currently experiencing that makes an object nudge to the right/left when trying to bring an object forward. I've had this happen on Windows 7 and Windows 10. There is obviously a workaround for this, i.e. View Outlines > Select > Bring object to front / Cut Paste in Front / Paste in Back, Save and Restart Illustrator etc. but it is counterproductive to efficiency.
Background: I'm a 10 year+ agency professional who specializes in UI design, illustration and branding.
6 votes -
Layer Arrow Disappears
When collapsing sub-layers of a layer, the arrow to expand the sub-layers is no longer visible. Clicking the eye would restore the arrow, but this is a bug that should be fixed.
Evidence: votes -
Template Layers Still Visible on Export for PNG and JPG
I am creating a logo package for a client and am attempting to export multiple logos / graphics with transparent backgrounds using the export panel. I've already confirmed multiple times that my PNG settings include transparency and that the View > Overprint Preview setting is unchecked. My background layer is set to non printing, however any PDF or PNG I export includes a visible background layer. I can completely hide this layer to avoid exporting it, but then I can't see my artwork correctly. The whole point of non printing layers is to see them when you are designing without…
4 votesReported to be fixed in the latest Beta
Please try it and comment back if it works now as expected at your side.
Locking child objects in a locked top layer is not respected when the layer is unlocked and won’t toggle back
If I have a layer locked and I click a pale lock icon next to a child item, the lock becomes solid, as if I am overriding the 'the parent is locked' status... but it can’t be toggled back.
More of it, I expect this overridden status to stay when I unlock the parent — instead it gets dropped.
4 votes -
Paste Remembers layers not working in 29.0 - 2025 update
Just updated to the 2025 version of Illustrator 29.0, Desktop PC, and none of my layers are being applied when copy/pasting between files. Everything just pastes into the currently selected layer.
The "paste remembers layers" option is ticked, I've restarted and I've reinstalled. I'm hoping for a hotfix soon, otherwise I will need to revert to 2024.4 votes -
Add an option for the Layers panel to show tight bound thumbnails for clipping groups
Illustrator 28.4.1 on Mac Ventura 13.5.2
Wasn't there a time when the thumbnail of a layer containing a clipped image was cropped around the clipping mask and not around the whole image? (i.e. not showing the white all around)
Or is there a setting that I missed?
Thanks for your help!
4 votes -
Toggling Layer Visibility Causes Hang
Toggling layer visibility seems to be increasingly difficult for my latest release of the standard Illustrator build. I just tried a complete uninstall/reinstall, and the problem persists. Once I toggle layers on/off without any other active layer visible I get the Mac beach ball/spinning wheel. If I add a blank placeholder layer I have no issues toggling as shown below. This is the current release of Illustrator. I can share one of these files to see if it is setting related or cannot be reproduced, but I had this same issue on a much higher spec’d out PC than my…
4 votes -
Dimensions new layer Do Not Print
Using the Dimensions tool on a layer designated as Do Not Print creates a new layer title Dimensions.
Example, I do all my dimensions, set the layer to Do Not Print. Later I realize I need to make an additional dimension. If I try to use the Dimension tool on the layer marked Do Not Print, it will create a new layer for new Dimensions.3 votes -
Toggling Layer Visibility now Lags Greatly with each New Layer Added after introduction of Search to Layers
In May 2022 (before Search Layers was added for example) you could have a file with 2600 layers and toggle the visibility on and off in less than a second. Now in June 2023 the same type of file takes 30 seconds to toggle the visibility of a single layer.
Here's how to reproduce the BUG that has been introduced into ILLUSTRATOR now:
I'm using a - Windows 10 Desktop
Illustrator v 27.6.1
ASUS Laptop with 40 GB of RAM
1TB SSD drives and plenty of scratch disk and page file space.Reproduction Steps:
- create a new Illustrator document 1920x1080
- …
3 votesFixed in Beta 27.9 5. Please check if it works for you.
At the test setup it now takes roughly 1 second to hide and show layers.
Marquee selects empty layers
We are using a document template with nested layers (i.e. all layers are in correct order and properly named before drawing starts)
Marqueeing objects unfortunately selects some empty layers besides those that lead to the artwork. The document info displays the selection correctly, and the attribute panel reports differing notes.3 votes -
Phantom/stuck bounding box
Bounding box appears in unusual places when I'm grouping/ungrouping. Then it gets stuck. I cant deselect it, delete, move, un/group, etc. It stays put and I can't get rid of it. Even when undoing my previous actions.
3 votes -
3 votes
Copy (or Cut) \ Paste: the object appears on the same layer when another layer is selected.
Windows 10, Illustrator 25.2
I have an object\s on layer 1. I copy\cut it. Select layer 2, press Paste - the object Appears on layer 1 and layer 2 is still selected.
It should appear on layer 2 as it was before.
I can not copy\paste objects on another layer, I can only move them in Layer Window.3 votesAs per the comment, this often happens if you enable Paste Remembers Layers in the Layers panel’s flyout menu. With it turned on, Ai respect the original layers of pasted objects.
Pressing Ctrl + Win sends the active object backward
If you have at least 2 objects on the artboard and the top one is selected, pressing Control + the Windows key on Windows 10 sends the active object backward one step. It's a keyboard shortcut that doesn't appear to be editable in Keyboard Shortcuts in case it interferes with that shortcut being used for something else.
3 votes -
Unfoldable layers
Illustrator does not display and allow to click unfold arrows next to these layers, despite the objects in them exist in the document.
The other problem is the applied-but-not-displayed gaussian blur, but that’s the different problem:
The test file is derived from the original provided by Glitschka Studios.
2 votes -
Send to Current Layer not working - moves entire layer instead of only selected objects
I'm trying to move some objects from one layer to another.
I'm selecting a series of objects, then clicking on the empty layer that I want to move the objects to. I'm choosing Object > Arrange > Send to Current Layer. When I do this, instead of only the selected objects moving (expected behavior), all the objects on the layer are sent to the other layer.
(Normally I would simply cut the objects, then use Paste In Front on another layer to paste them in the same position. But these functions are also not working for me - the objects…
2 votes
- Don't see your idea?