Alt-Drag to Duplicate (and Shift to align) Only Works Intermittently
Duplicating objects in Illustrator CC 2017 only works on occasion, it is not consistent as it was in previous versions. Holding Shift to align while dragging and duplicating also doesn't work. These were both key features of Illustrator and if there is a way to fix this problem I would be very interested to know how!

Thanks for reporting this issue, Illustrator team really appreciate this.
We are able to reproduce this issue and it is currently under review.
Ankit Goyal
Roger Thomas Romero Keim (Kavure) commented
Yo tambien tengo exactamente el mismo problema... tampoco puedo duplicar y alinear las mesas de trabajo con los comando alt+shift... Sigo buscando alguna solución. Y hasta el momento no he encontrado nada... Por favor solicitamos solucionar este problema tan pronto como sea posible. gracias.
Jagdish Khakase commented
when will resolve this
Yan Ding commented
Alt+Drag works. If I hold Shift too in order to restrict to horizontal or vertical duplicate, well that is messed up.
It only works if i move the mouse perfectly horizontal (or vertical). If mouse goes a bit left or right, it deactivates. Really annoying. -
Vincent Belo commented
September 2021 and still not working. I simply use command C and Command V, instead as it is reliable.
Spencer commented
Still broken
Rakibul Hasan commented
Solution : go to preference-smart guides ( uncheck transform )
rawdah commented
I have the same problem!.
Anonymous commented
sir please change your laptop keyboard driver from 101-102 to xt 84 type via device manager,
Abby Miller commented
I'm having this same annoying issue. I upgraded to a new Mac in December which let me upgrade to Illustrator 2020. Previously I was using Illustrator 2018. I've been using Illustrator for 25 years and it's never felt so clumsy as it does now. I use shift-constrain all the time but in this 2020 version, I find myself slamming the shift key constantly for it to work. Makes me wanna gouge my eyes out with a spork. I love ya Adobe, but I'm BEGGING you to help! Or anyone else who knows a solid way to make everything work like it used to.
Linda Eichhorn commented
I figured it out for Illustrator 2020. It's a matter of sequence.
• Hold down the Option key first.
• Then select and hold down the button on your mouse (a double arrowhead appears; one solid, one outlined).
• Then hold down the Shift key and move your duplicate (while still holding down the Option key).This sequence will constrain you duplicate.
If you don't need to constrain your direction of your duplicate, don't do the last step.I hope this helps
Anonymous commented
This is still happening for me in Illustrator 2020. Looking forward to a fix.
Natalie commented
I'm having this same issue with Alt+Drag to duplicate artboards. I'm on the most updated version of Illustrator per October of 2019. So annoying. It keeps making additional huge artboards instead of duplicating the artboard
Melissa Fraser commented
SOLUTION: go to Creative Cloud chat support and have a rep remotely log onto your machine and have them fix it in under 5 mins. He fixed my corrupted system preferences and I couldn't have solved this on my own. I'm guessing it was so quick as many MANY others were experiencing the same difficulties.
So glad I did it! Good luck!
Joe Howell commented
I have the same problem, while selecting object to copy and drag horizontally with Alt + Shift, the object drags over at a 2-3 %. Very frustrating!
Joe Howell
Faith commented
My Shift + Alt duplicate works...but my shift and align while dragging DOES NOT!!!
Please fix!! As it's a part of my daily work flow aligning text and graphics!Thank you!
Magy Martinez commented
Same problem even after I upgraded all my apps.
Anonymous commented
using the option key works maybe 10% of the time. Re set prefs several times, no help. I've gone back to copy and paste, old school, but at least it still works in these new bug laden versions of Illustrator that keep getting forced upon us.
Lisam5465 commented
Has anyone found a fix? My option key doesn't function at all in Illustrator CS5.1 or CC 2018, not even use it to zoom out. I tried 3 different keyboards and two different computers. I modified the control key to function as an option key, but this is just a temporary fix. Help!
Nebojša Kuzmanović commented
And another thing I have just noticed right now - when you attempt to perform that operation (copy object with Cmd Alt Shift + drag), the object is copied in its original place. Very unusual and interesting behavior, Adobe, but could you please fix it?
Nebojša Kuzmanović commented
It works anyway if you use Alt and Shift only, no matter which you hit first. But it doesn't work if you have Direct Selection tool activated, and then hold Alt, Shift and Cmd, to convert Direct Selection to Selection tool. And it used to work prior to the CC versions.