Cut master 3 not working after update
Illustrator just updated to CC2018 and now my cutmaster 3 plug-in is not working or in the file tab.
Please contact plugin developer and get a plugin compatible with the CC 2018. You also have a choice to install previous release of Illustrator to ensure uninterrupted work till you procure CM plugin that is compatible with latest release.
Jeremy commented
I wonder how many small businesses Adobe shut down
Anonymous commented
We have not attempted to try CM4. We are still using CM3. We do use Illustrator 2020 but we also have saved version 2017 that will NEVER be updated. When we have files that were created in the latest versions of Illustrator the only way to use them in CM is to save them down to version 2017 and then we open that version to make the files we need to cut.
So far we have had no issues doing it with this method. -
Melvin Alexander commented
The solution as stated in the last sentence of the admin, as well as Kirk Oakes' post. But I just did this, and can go back to using illustrator rather than wait for Graphtec to get a viable plugin for CM4 and AI 2020
Vicki commented
Oh, if you use the graphtec CE5000-60, that is considered to be VERY OLD hardware...and it no longer really upgrades to the new Adobe without a ton of glitches. Or so I found. Even the IT department had problems setting it up to work. They like people to upgrade soft ware AND hardware every 3-4 years max. Sigh...tons of cash later. If you are really lucky and have old versions of Adobe still working...DON"T MESS with it, and leave it alone, or as soon as you start to will crash, or send a message that it is no longer supported etc. etc. The new system of pay every month is now the norm. Hope your older programs run a long time for you, but chances are it will get very glitchy then shut down altogether. ****** I know!!:(
Vicki commented
Illustrator will not let you use older versions, and if you start up an older version of it, you will have to renew licence to cost per month to own it. Not fun, but there it is. I know, I have tried, and had to upgrade to version 4 plug in with latest version of Adobe...and that is VERY expensive. Other free programs will not run the plotter...which also is not fun.:( So, only using the tiny little program the plotter came with...which does ONLY basic basic cutting of a font, shape, but no arks etc. Again, a bummer.
Anonymous commented
I hate cut master 4. Just got new macbook now I cant down load illustrator cc 2017 to use cut master 3.
Anonymous commented
I just downloaded the latest update from the link below and all is back to working smoothly with Illustrator CC 2018 23.0.1!
Cutting Master - Version 4 2.40 Build 2875 this helps!
Anonymous commented
Any fixes guys - I can't cut from any version of Illustrator - even downloaded back to CS6 !
Cutting master 2 / 3 and 4 tried -
Ryan commented
I am still having the same issue. I have reverted back to CC 2017 and cutting master 4 works. Hopefully they will bring out an update. To install an older version of Illustrator click on the Creative Cloud icon at top menu bar, click on apps, then click on the drop down arrow next to Illustrator, click manage and then click other versions.
Noah commented
Illustrator update to CC2019 has given me a load error for CutPlotCC2014.aip and now I no longer cut out of Adobe Illustrator just as the anonymous poster found out as well. Do I need to revert to an older version and how is this accomplished with Adobe Creative Cloud?
Anonymous commented
Illustrator updated today to cc2019 now cutmaster 4 load error when opening AI, no cut/plot available.
Anonymous commented
Cutting Master 3 is not working in CC 2018, Please fix the plug in.
Calvin Wong -
Javier Duque commented
I think is not Adobe to blame but Graphtec for not having a proper update of its software and plugins.
Anonymous commented
i meant Illustrator 2015.3
Anonymous commented
I've installed Cut-master 4 in Illustrator 2018 and I think it is a throwback to one I used 10 years ago. CM-3 is much better but I'm not able to install it in ILL 2108 so, I've been using ILL2017. Anyone have better luck with installing CM-3 on a Mac?
Anonymous commented
Any fix for Adobe CC 22.01 with cutting master 2.2.1252gc ? Can't find the cutting master menu ??
Anonymous commented
This update is very frustrating - any fixes yet? New .AI will not send work to Cutting Master 3.
Bob commented
We upgraded to Illustrator 2018 and now the cut master 3 is not showing up in the menu - anyone know how to fix this?
Anonymous commented
just tried the solution Kirk Oakes posted
but no older versions visible when I click on the arrow just beside the open button next to Illustratoranyone ???/
george -
Alex Meza commented
How do you resolve this issue on a PC?