Error using picas
This error has existed in Illustrator since at least version 10, in 2001.
Switch units to Picas in Preferences > Units… or by right-clicking in the ruler and selecting Picas.
Select any object.
Go to Object > Transform > Move…
Enter a negative value higher than -1p0. e.g. -0p9.
Watch as the value is converted to a positive and the object moves to the right, or don, not to the left or up.
In earlier versions of Illustrator this bug exited across the application in any dialogue that excepted a distance, including Offset Path, Effect > Convert to Shape (using relative values), and of course the previously mentioned Move. The bug appears to be partially fixed. Offset Path (both as an effect and in the Object menu) now works, but Convert to Shape and Move are still broken.

Thank you for reporting the issue. We have added the issue to our backlog
Anonymous commented
Use -9pt instead of -0p9. It works.
BTW, save yourself some mousing. A, Enter or V, Enter brings up the move dialog. -
Scott Falkner commented
Illustrator is at version 23. It is over 30 years old. I have been reporting this bug for over a decade. The bug remains unfixed in Illustrator CC 2019.
There are two possibilities: they are unable to fix this bug; they are unwilling to fix this bug.
Scott Falkner commented
This has been a big problem for me for years. I think since Illustrator 10 in 2001. So Adobe, with all their resources, have been unable to address this bug in 16 years of development. This is monumental incompetence. There is no way to excuse or sugar coat this. Adobe clearly is uninterested in bug fixes for Illustrator. There is no other conclusion I can reach.
Ven commented
I work in picas. For as many versions of Illustrator as I can remember, it has been impossible to move an object -0p9 from the zero point in a document. If you type -0p9 into the measurement box, it moves the object to +0p9. WHY? In order to get (industry standard) bleed in an Illustrator document I have to use inches. -.125" works. -0p9 doesn't.