Smart guides not working on Text Area boxes
Mac OS 10.11.6 El Capitan (and also Windows 10)
Illustrator CC 2018
I have a problem with the latest version of Illustrator (I just upgraded from CS6):
Smart Guides do not appear on Text Area boxes (corners or sides), for example when I want to draw a line with the pen from one corner of a box to a corner of another box).
They do appear normally on other objects.
Snap to Grid and Snap to Pixel are off. Snap to Point is on, but the problem is the same when off.
Is anyone experiencing the same? Is there a Preference I missed?
(it's hard to show the problem on a picture, as the screen capture hides the mouse cursor, but here's one of the Smart Guides working when I MouseOver another object's anchor point)

Doesn’t happen anymore with recent builds of Illustrator
Works as expected for me, with or without Alignment Guides enabled, on Windows 10 in Ai Beta
Stéphanie Noverraz commented
Hi, yes it's been fixed since then, thank you.
Stéphanie Noverraz commented
For all of you who are following this thread:
I had a conversation with Mr. Gupta from support. He says it works if you switch on "Alignment Guides" in Preferences. It does, except I don't want alignement guides (they are too many and get in the way of everything IMO).
And so apparently it's a feature, not a bug (although I don't understand how it could help anyone to remove this function).
He said he'll transfer my feedback to the programming team though. Let's hope they change it back to the way it was in one of the future versions.
Below is a video of the bug.
Stéphanie Noverraz commented
Thanks Anish, I have sent a video to the e-mail you provided.
Stéphanie Noverraz commented
In my version, Command + H hides the current selection and doesn't help snapping on Text Area boxes.
Anonymous commented
Command + H and you should be good to go.
Stéphanie Noverraz commented
Alignment guides don't work on Text Area boxes either.